Sleeping with a broken rib is quite difficult, especially if you can't get into your usual position due to pain. To facilitate sleep, you need to change your posture and find ways to reduce the pain before bedtime. You should also adhere to your doctor's advice for managing pain and contact your doctor promptly if you can't rest.
Method 1 of 3: Make yourself comfortable

Step 1. Choose the position that is most comfortable for you
When you have a fractured rib, the most comfortable position is perhaps supine, or you may want to sleep on your side; both are fine, because they allow you to breathe better. Try various different positions to find the one you feel most comfortable with.
- Try to rest on the injured side. If the injury affects only one side of the rib cage, some orthopedists suggest lying on that side, because it limits the movement of the broken rib and allows the "healthy" side to expand better with deeper breathing. However, if this solution causes too much pain, sleep on the other side.
- Try a lounge chair. Some people who have experienced this kind of trauma say that it is easier to sleep in one of these chairs than to lie down in bed.

Step 2. Use pillows to improve comfort
Pillows and pillows prevent you from rolling on yourself during the night, which is quite painful and could wake you up. If you have decided to rest on your back, put a pad under each arm to avoid rolling over on your hips; you can also place a couple of pillows under your knees to reduce tension in your back.

Step 3. Do some deep breathing exercises
This type of fracture may force you to breathe shallowly due to the pain you feel when you move your ribcage too deeply. For this reason, it is worthwhile to breathe deeply throughout the day and before bed, as it helps you relax and ensures a good supply of oxygen.
To proceed, lie on your back or sit on a chair with a reclining back and inhale deeply; count to five as you inhale the air, then exhale just as slowly, always counting to five. During the movement, bring the air towards the belly using the diaphragm

Step 4. Limit your movements while you sleep
During the first few days after the accident, you should limit coughing, twisting, twisting, and stretching. It is not easy to remember or control yourself while sleeping; try to keep in mind that the ribs are connected to many structures in the upper body and movement can exacerbate the pain.
- Have an extra pillow handy to hug when you have to cough during the night.
- Avoid bandaging the chest with the purpose of reducing the movement of the rib; this practice increases the risk of pneumothorax and infections.
Method 2 of 3: Reduce Sleep Pain

Step 1. Take pain relievers as prescribed for you
If your doctor has recommended medications to manage pain, you should take them half an hour before bedtime. remember to respect his instructions regarding the dosage and methods of use, but do not hesitate to ask him questions if in doubt.
Remember that some pain relievers do not allow you to stay asleep and cause sleep apnea; for example, opioids - such as codeine and morphine - can interrupt your breathing and cause you to suddenly wake up in the middle of the night

Step 2. Try over-the-counter pain relievers
You can take ibuprofen, naproxen, or acetaminophen. If you don't have any prescription medications to manage fracture pain, you can use these alternatives; ask your doctor for specific advice on the product and dosage.
If you have had any heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, liver disease, stomach ulcers or internal bleeding, talk to your doctor to find out if you can take these medications

Step 3. Place an ice pack on the injury site
The cold numbs the painful sensation and helps manage the swelling. In the first two days after injury, you should find some benefit by applying an ice pack to your rib for 20 minutes every hour; after about two days you can continue cold therapy in sessions of 10-20 minutes for at least three times a day.
- Try putting ice just before bed to reduce pain.
- Avoid exposing the fractured rib to heat, especially if there is swelling; high temperatures promote blood flow to the affected area making the edema worse.
Method 3 of 3: Promote Healing

Step 1. Get as much sleep as possible
Rest is essential for the body's healing process, so remember to get plenty of sleep. You should rest at least 8 hours a night and take a few naps during the day when you feel tired. Here are some techniques to doze off:
- Go to bed at the same time every night;
- Turn off the TV, computer and cell phone;
- Make the bedroom dark, cool and quiet;
- Do not consume caffeine or alcohol before going to bed;
- Don't eat in the two hours before bedtime;
- Do something relaxing, like listening to calming music or taking a shower.

Step 2. Move occasionally throughout the day
When you have a fractured rib it's not a good idea to stay in bed all day; you should get up and walk a little throughout the day to oxygenate yourself more and clear the lungs of mucus.
Try to get up and walk around the house for a few minutes at least once every two hours

Step 3. Cough if you need to
Repressing the urge when it is felt could cause pneumonia; it sure hurts, but it's still important to cough.
To minimize pain, keep a blanket or pillow close to your chest as you cough

Step 4. Eat healthy foods
It is extremely important to follow a good diet to heal the body. Eat a balanced diet while recovering and remember to include:
- Fruits (apples, oranges, grapes and bananas);
- Vegetables (broccoli, peppers, spinach and carrots);
- Lean protein (skinless chicken, lean ground beef and shrimp);
- Dairy products (yogurt, milk and cheese);
- Complex carbohydrates (rice, pasta and wholemeal bread).

Step 5. Stop smoking
Doing so speeds up the healing process. If you are a smoker, this is the right time to quit; check with your doctor to find out what medications and detox programs can help you.