Stitches are used to close surgical incisions or deep wounds. They should be held according to the patient's needs and the type of incision / wound. The stitches are then removed by the doctor. This article explains how doctors remove sutures.

Step 1. Clean the wound with an antiseptic such as alcohol

Step 2. Place the bottom of the Stitch Removal Tool under the center of a stitch
This is a special tool used by doctors to remove stitches

Step 3. Close the tool with your fingers to fold the edges of the stitch

Step 4. Remove the stitch by releasing the pressure used to close the tool with your fingers
- Push it out in the same direction it was applied to avoid scratching the skin.
- You may experience a sensation similar to that of a pinch. It's normal.

Step 5. Use the same tool to remove the other spots

Step 6. Clean the wound again using an antiseptic

Step 7. Apply antibiotic ointment and cover the wound with sterile gauze securing it with tape
The type of cover to apply depends on the state of healing of the wound

Step 8. Check for infections
Follow the doctor's advice for caring for the wound.