You've probably noticed that rosehip oil is present in many skin care products, hair care products, and essential oil blends for aromatherapy. This is generally an expensive oil, but you can easily make it at home using rose hips that you can buy at a herbalist's shop or harvest directly from a rosehip plant. The rose hips are heated with oil in a slow cooker and left to infuse. If you prefer to make the oil cold, you can dry the rose hips, mix them with the oil and leave them to infuse for several weeks before filtering the final product. Rosehip oil should be stored in the refrigerator in a dark container to prevent it from losing its many properties.
- 125 g of fresh or dried rose hips
- 475 ml of almond, olive or jojoba oil
Method 1 of 2: Obtain Rosehip Oil for Infusion

Step 1. Get the rose hips
You will need approximately 125g of fresh or dried rosehips. You can buy them online, in herbal medicine or in stores specializing in natural products and foods. Alternatively, you can harvest them directly from a rosehip plant. Rose hips should be bright orange or red in color and have a firm texture. Wear a pair of work gloves to protect your hands from the plant's thorns.
Make sure the rose hips haven't been sprayed with chemicals

Step 2. Put the rose hips in the oil
Transfer them to a small slow cooker (with a capacity of 1-2 liters). Select your favorite oil and pour 475ml into the pot along with the rose hips.
For example, you can use almond, olive or jojoba oil. It is advisable to use an oil from organic farming as it will be less treated than conventional ones

Step 3. Leave the rose hips to infuse for 8 hours
Cover the pot with the lid, set it to "low" cooking mode and turn it on. Rose hips must be left to infuse in hot oil for 8 hours. The final product will be fragrant and a nice orange color.
The oil temperature must never exceed 38 ° C. If the pot allows it, use the function used to keep food warm ("warm") instead of the "low" cooking mode

Step 4. Strain the rosehip oil and discard the solid parts
Turn off the pot and place a colander over a bowl. Line the inside of the colander with cheesecloth (cheesecloth) and pour the oil into it, being careful not to splash it. After separating the rose hips from the oil you can throw them away.

Step 5. Store rosehip oil properly
Pour it into a perfectly clean dark glass container. Seal the container with a screw lid and place it in the refrigerator. Rosehip oil will last for 6-8 months.
Rosehip oil is light sensitive, so it's important to use a dark glass container
Method 2 of 2: Obtain the Rosehip Oil by Maceration

Step 1. Get the rose hips
You will need approximately 125g of fresh or dried rosehips. You can buy them online, in herbal medicine or in stores specializing in natural products and foods. Alternatively, you can harvest them directly from a rosehip plant. Rose hips should be bright orange or red in color and their texture should be firm. Wear a pair of work gloves to protect your hands from the plant's thorns.
Make sure the rose hips have not been sprayed with chemicals before using them

Step 2. Dehydrate the rose hips
If you picked them or bought them fresh, wash them and dry them completely. Take a sharp knife and cut off the two ends, then arrange them on a sheet of newspaper (without overlapping them) and let them dry for a week.
Some people prefer to remove the fuzz and seeds inside the rose hips because they can be irritating, but it is not essential as the rosehip oil will need to be filtered

Step 3. Combine the oil and rose hips
Take a 1 liter glass jar, put the rose hips in it and add 475 ml of almond, olive or jojoba oil. Screw the lid onto the jar.
Use a dark glass jar to protect the oil from light

Step 4. Leave the rose hips to soak in the oil for three weeks
Return the jar to the refrigerator. Over time, the rose hips will flavor the oil and give it a golden orange color. After three weeks the oil should be ready.

Step 5. Filter the rosehip oil
Place a colander over a bowl. Line the inside of the colander with gauze and pour the oil into it. This way, you will be able to separate the oil from the rose hips which can be thrown away at this point.

Step 6. Store the oil in the refrigerator
Transfer the rosehip oil to a dark glass container. Seal it with the lid and store it in the refrigerator. Rosehip oil obtained by maceration should be used within 6 months.