There are several ways to keep basil fresh long after you have picked it from your garden or bought it from the supermarket. You can put it in a vase with water, as if it were a bouquet of flowers, or keep it in the refrigerator for a short time, as if it were a lettuce. Alternatively, you can blanch and freeze it to make it last for many months or keep a basil plant on the windowsill to be able to pick the leaves you need from time to time.
Method 1 of 4: Store Basil in Water

Step 1. Fill a vase with water halfway
You can use a vase for flowers or a simple tall jar with a wide mouth. Keep in mind that some experts say herbs last longer if you use bottled water rather than tap water.
Do not use distilled water because it lacks the minerals needed to keep basil fresh for a long time
Step 2. Trim the basil stems
If you have harvested it in the garden, there is no need to cut the stems. If, on the other hand, you bought it at the supermarket, it is best to remove the last 2-3 cm of the stems to make it last longer.
In addition to trimming the stems, you should peel off the lower leaves to prevent them from getting submerged in water
Step 3. Put the basil bunch in the jar and keep it in a cool place
Ideally, you should keep the basil at a temperature of around 18 ° C, so place the jar in the coolest spot in the kitchen, out of direct sunlight. For example, a corner of the kitchen counter or a shelf in a bright place will do.
Do not put the jar in the refrigerator or in any other place where the temperature is below 10 ° C. While these are ideal conditions for many other herbs, basil can stand the cold and keep best out of the refrigerator

Step 4. Place a vegetable bag on top of the basil bunch if you wish to cover it
The bag will deprive you of the pleasure of admiring the bright color of the basil leaves as you cook, but will make them last longer. You can do an experiment and try storing basil with or without the bag, to evaluate the pros and cons of the two techniques.
- Air must be able to enter the bag, so do not close it around the jar.
- Use a thin plastic bag, such as those reserved for supermarket fruits and vegetables.
Step 5. Replace the water in the jar every 1-2 days to make the basil last up to a week
Change it whenever it gets cloudy, when the level drops by more than 1cm or at least every other day. If you're lucky, you can decorate your dishes with fresh basil, for example the caprese salad, for a whole week.
- Before using basil leaves in dishes, rinse them with cold water.
- After 5-8 days, the basil leaves will slowly begin to wilt, but they will still be usable in recipes that require cooking, for example in a tomato sauce.
Method 2 of 4: Store Basil in the Refrigerator
Step 1. Remove the leaves from the stems and rinse them with cold water
Discard any leaves that are already wilted or stained. You can wash one leaf at a time or put them all in a colander and rinse them under cold running water.
This method is pretty much the same one you can use to keep lettuce fresh. However, you can't expect basil to last as long as salad or most leafy greens

Step 2. Gently pat the basil dry with kitchen paper
Arrange the washed leaves on a layer of absorbent paper, then use a few more sheets of paper to pat them gently. Try to absorb as much water as possible to prevent the leaves from rotting.
Alternatively, you can dry the basil leaves with the salad spinner
Step 3. Wrap the leaves in kitchen paper without pressing them
Unroll a few sheets of absorbent paper, place the basil leaves over them without overlapping them and then gently roll the paper.
- Do not crush and do not squeeze the roll of paper so as not to damage the basil.
- Wrapping the leaves in paper serves to regulate the humidity level, so they are neither too dry nor too wet.

Step 4. Seal the paper roll in a food bag and store it in the refrigerator
Place the paper roll in a food bag that has a capacity of at least 1 liter. Squeeze it gently to let out as much air as possible and leave it slightly open to allow for air exchange. Make room in the refrigerator to prevent the basil leaves from crushing when in close contact with other foods.
Place the basil in a prominent place in the refrigerator to remind yourself to use it before it wilts

Step 5. Use basil within 12-24 hours for the best possible result
In the refrigerator, it will begin to wilt and blacken after a few hours. After 24 hours, it may already be wilted, so try to use it as soon as possible.
Use this method only if you plan to use basil within a short time. For example, if you bought it in the morning and intend to use it on pizza in the evening
Method 3 of 4: Store the Basil in the Freezer
Step 1. Boil some water and in the meantime prepare a bowl full of ice water
Fill a large pot of water and heat it over high heat to bring it to a boil. While the water is heating up, pour about 40 ice cubes into a large bowl and fill it about 3/4 full with cold water.
Blanching and freezing basil is a great way to store the surplus if you know you won't be able to use it all in a short time - for example, if you have had to harvest it in the garden because an early frost is expected that could damage it
Step 2. Blanch the basil leaves for 2 seconds
While you wait for the water to boil, remove the leaves from the stems and rinse them with cold water. When the water boils, toss the leaves into the pot and blanch for a couple of seconds.

Step 3. Immediately transfer the leaves to the ice water
After the rapid immersion in boiling water, collect them with a colander as quickly as possible and transfer them directly into the bowl filled with water and ice.
- Blanching the basil leaves serves to "fix" their beautiful bright green color, while the frozen water bath is used to interrupt the cooking process to prevent them from wilting.
- You can avoid blanching and chilling the basil if you want, but it won't keep as well in the freezer. If you decide to freeze the leaves without blanching them first, after washing them, pat them gently with kitchen paper to dry them.

Step 4. When the basil leaves have cooled, place them on the paper towel to dry
After a couple of minutes, remove them from the frozen water and lay them on a long strip of kitchen paper. Be careful not to overlap them and dab them gently to absorb excess moisture.
Alternatively, you can dry the basil leaves with the salad spinner
Step 5. Arrange the dry leaves on several layers of parchment paper
Cut out a piece of parchment paper about the size of the resealable bag you intend to use to freeze the basil. The bag must be large and must have a zip closure. Arrange the basil leaves, taking care not to overlap them. Cover them with a second sheet of parchment paper and create another layer of basil. Continue like this until you have all the leaves in place.
If there are more than 4 or 5 layers of paper, you may not be able to fit them into the bag. If you have a lot of basil leaves, it's best to make two separate piles and use two bags

Step 6. Slip the overlapping layers of paper into the bag and store the basil in the freezer for up to 6 months
Slip the parchment paper into the bag, then gently squeeze it to release most of the air. Close the zip completely, then write the date and contents on the bag with a permanent marker. Place the bag in the freezer horizontally and be careful not to crush it with other foods.
- When you are ready to use the basil, open the bag, take the leaves you need and gently squeeze it to let the air out before closing it, then immediately return it to the freezer.
- Especially if you have blanched them, the frozen basil leaves should have retained their fantastic color and scent, so much so that you should be able to use them to make pesto too. However, as they will be a little wilted, you won't be able to use them as a garnish or add them to a salad.
- After 3-6 months, the basil leaves will gradually begin to blacken. When it's time to use them, check them one at a time and throw away the blackened ones.
Method 4 of 4: Keep a Basil Plant at Home

Step 1. Purchase a potted basil seedling
The easiest way to keep basil fresh is to keep it alive. When you go to the supermarket, instead of buying a bunch of basil, look for a seedling. Many supermarkets sell potted herbs alongside cut or ornamental plants.
Alternatively, you can buy basil seeds and sow it in a pot or in the garden (when the weather permits)

Step 2. Place the pot on a sunny windowsill
Ideally, basil should be exposed to the sun for 6-8 hours a day, so keep it next to a well-lit window.
Keeping the basil plant on your kitchen windowsill is certainly handy, but you need to make sure it's sunny enough

Step 3. Water the basil regularly
The soil must always be moist. Check it regularly, putting your finger in the first 2-3 cm. If it looks dry, water it a little. It must be only slightly wet and not saturated with water.
The goal is to keep the soil moist. As the days go by, you will discover how often it needs to be watered

Step 4. Pick the leaves from the basil plant when you need it
The great advantage of having a basil plant at home is that you can only pick the leaves you need, selecting them from among the most flourishing ones.
- For example, you could pluck the most beautiful leaves to make a delicious basil cocktail in case unexpected guests arrive.
- If you notice that some leaves have wilted or blackened, remove them from the plant and throw them away.

Step 5. Buy a new basil plant after a few weeks
Left in its original pot, a store-bought basil plant will continue to produce fresh, fragrant new leaves for 1-2 months. When its growth has slowed down considerably, you will need to purchase another plant.