How To Prepare Vegetable Broth: 13 Steps

How To Prepare Vegetable Broth: 13 Steps
How To Prepare Vegetable Broth: 13 Steps

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Vegetable broth is a great alternative to meat broth. It is both a vegetarian and vegan food and adds a nutritional boost to a wide range of recipes. Preparing the vegetable broth is a very simple process. There is little to cut and nothing to peel, just place the ingredients in the pot and cook them until you reach the desired flavor. There are many choices to make when making vegetable broth as practically any type of vegetable and countless herbs can be used. Experiment to create different flavors. You can prepare it in advance and then freeze it to use whenever you want. Below you will find a small basic guide to making vegetable broth, you can be inspired by this to create your own recipe.


Make Vegetable Broth Step 1
Make Vegetable Broth Step 1

Step 1. Wash 2 carrots, 1 red onion and 3 celery sticks

It is possible to use almost any type of vegetable in this recipe. Try adding 2 parsnips or 1 sweet potato. Broccoli, leeks, mushrooms are excellent elements to consider, in addition, peppers, turnips, zucchini will give flavor to your broth

Make Vegetable Broth Step 2
Make Vegetable Broth Step 2

Step 2. Cut the vegetables into large chunks and place them in a large pot

Make Vegetable Broth Step 3
Make Vegetable Broth Step 3

Step 3. Add 6 sprigs of parsley, 6 sprigs of thyme, 1 bay leaf, 8 to 10 whole peppercorns and 10 to 20 coriander seeds

Many fresh or dried herbs are a great add-on component. Try rosemary, sage or even dill

Make Vegetable Broth Step 4
Make Vegetable Broth Step 4

Step 4. Dice 4 garlic cloves and add them to the pot

Make Vegetable Broth Step 5
Make Vegetable Broth Step 5

Step 5. Cut 3 slices of ginger root and add them to the broth being prepared

Make Vegetable Broth Step 6
Make Vegetable Broth Step 6

Step 6. Add a teaspoon of sea salt (15ml)

Make Vegetable Broth Step 7
Make Vegetable Broth Step 7

Step 7. Pour 10 cups of water (2.4L) into the pot, then cover it with a lid

Make Vegetable Broth Step 8
Make Vegetable Broth Step 8

Step 8. Bring to a boil

Make Vegetable Broth Step 9
Make Vegetable Broth Step 9

Step 9. Reduce the heat under the pot and allow the vegetables to cook slowly for between 30 and 45 minutes, it is also sufficient to wait for them to wilt

Make Vegetable Broth Step 10
Make Vegetable Broth Step 10

Step 10. Drain the contents of the pot into a large container or a second pot using a mesh filter

If you like a richer flavor, you can reduce the broth by bringing it to a boil again

Make Vegetable Broth Step 11
Make Vegetable Broth Step 11

Step 11. Allow the contents to cool

Make Vegetable Broth Step 12
Make Vegetable Broth Step 12

Step 12. Store the amount of broth you intend to keep in the fridge for no more than 2 or 3 days

You can keep it in a glass jar with a lid.
