The pressure cooker is the "Formula One" of the kitchen, it is incredibly fast! It is an excellent tool for cooking because, in addition to being quick, it allows you to preserve all the nutrients and vitamins that are inevitably lost with other techniques. It is not easy to use, so if you are just starting to use a pressure cooker, follow these instructions. Knowing the basics of how it works and recognizing a faulty pan can make a difference.
Method 1 of 4: Getting to know the pressure cooker

Step 1. Know how a pressure cooker works
When it is on, the heat produces steam which cooks food faster, bringing it to the boiling point. There are two types of cookware: the former (old style) have a “tilting” system, or weighted pressure regulator, which is located on top of the vent tube on the lid. The second (more modern) has valves and a hermetic system.

Step 2. Check the pot before using it to make sure there are no cracks or crevices
Also, check that it is clean and that it has no leftovers from previous cooking. Damaged pots can be dangerous because they release the steam that could burn you.

Step 3. Know how to fill the pot
It must contain some liquid before cooking anything. In many recipes, water is used. A pressure cooker should never be filled more than 2/3 of its capacity, as you have to leave room for the steam.
- For old-fashioned models: Always add at least 220 ml of water, which is enough for 20 minutes of cooking.
- For modern models: the minimum amount of liquid is 110 ml.

Step 4. Recognize the basket and tripod
The pressure cookers are equipped with a basket for vegetables, fish and fruit, and a tripod, which is the basket support. The tripod is placed on the bottom of the pot and above it the basket.
Method 2 of 4: Prepare the Food
Step 1. Prepare the food for cooking
When you buy the pot, you will also find instructions for the preparation of the main foods.
Meat and poultry: You need to season the meat before putting it in the pot. For maximum flavor, brown it first: heat a small amount of oil in the pressure cooker over medium heat. Do not put the lid on during these operations. Add the meat and brown it. You can also prepare the meat in a pan before putting it in the pressure one.
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Fish: wash it. Put the fish on the basket and the latter on the tripod with at least 175 ml of liquid. When cooking fish, it is always better to put a little olive oil on the basket, to prevent it from sticking.
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Dried beans and chickpeas: Soak the beans for 4-6 hours. Do not add salt to the water. Drain them and put them in the pressure cooker. Add 15-30 ml of olive oil and water if you use a pot of the first model.
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Rice and cereals: soak the wheat and spelled in warm water for 4 hours. Do not rehydrate rice and oats.
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Vegetables (both fresh and frozen): thaw the frozen ones and wash the fresh ones. Put the vegetables in the basket, most require at least 125ml of water in the bottom of the pot to steam in 5 minutes. Use 250ml of liquid if you plan to cook for 5-10 minutes and at least half a liter if cooking will last 10-20 minutes.
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Fruit: Wash all fruit before using the pressure cooker. Use the basket and 125ml of water if you are using fresh fruit, with dehydrated fruit you will need twice as much liquid.
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Step 2. Evaluate how much water to use
Consult the manual for your specific model to determine the amount of liquid needed in relation to the food, and remember that each food has different needs.
Method 3 of 4: Using the Pressure Cooker

Step 1. Put the food you want to cook in the pressure cooker
Add the water necessary for cooking suitable for that specific food.

Step 2. Remove the safety valve or pressure regulator and close the lid tightly
Make sure it's locked. Place the pot on the large fire of the stove and turn it on to high. The pot will begin to transform the water into steam.

Step 3. Wait for the pot to go under pressure
When it reaches the safe limit, the pot will start steaming the food.
- In older models this happens when the steam comes out of the vent and the dead weight begins to whistle. Put the safety valve on the nozzle when you see the steam coming out.
- In modern models there is a light on the steam valve that indicates the internal pressure of the pot, and that turns on when the pressure rises.

Step 4. Reduce the heat to low so the pot begins to cook without hissing
Start calculating cooking times from this moment. The goal is to maintain constant pressure throughout the procedure. If the heat is not reduced, the pressure continues to rise, and the dead weight or safety valve opens (and begins to whistle), venting the steam. This mechanism prevents the pot from breaking due to pressure; it is not a timer that indicates the end of cooking.
Method 4 of 4: Remove the Food

Step 1. Turn off the stove when the cooking time is up
If you keep cooking it, you will find yourself with baby food, and you certainly don't want that to happen.
Step 2. Reduce the pressure inside the pot
Do not try to lift the lid, each recipe explains how to lower the pressure. There are three ways to do this:
Natural technique: it is used for long cooking foods, such as roasts that continue to cook even when the pressure drops. It is the method that takes the longest time, usually between 10 and 20 minutes.
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Quick Technique: Most old pots and all new models have a quick release lid. When this button is pressed, the pressure is slowly lowered inside the pot.
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Cold water technique: this is the quickest method, but don't use it if your pot is electric. Take the pot and put it in the sink, under the tap. Open the cold water and let it pour onto the lid. Try to avoid the valve or pressure regulator.
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Step 3. Verify that the pressure has dropped
On older models, move the pressure regulator. If you don't hear any sound and don't see any steam escaping, then you can open the lid. On new models, move the steam valve; also in this case, if you do not hear sounds and do not see steam leaks, it means that there is no pressure.

Step 4. Remove the lid carefully
Remove the food from the pot.
- Never try to open the lid of the pot when there is still steam inside. You will burn yourself.
- Even when you can open the lid, keep your face away from the pot, as the steam will be hot.