The correct way to cycle over 30 kilometers on a bicycle, without feeling exhausted or hurting yourself.

Step 1. Put on the right clothing
Padded shorts and a cycling jersey will make the difference.

Step 2. Take a kit with you that includes a blower, a puncture repair kit, a cell phone and a toolbox in case anything unexpected happens
Read all the manuals and make sure you know how to use them all.

Step 3. Take some energy food with you:
bananas, wholegrain cereal bars, etc. Energy drinks are not a good idea, as they will dehydrate you and are high in sugar. You should always carry an adequate supply of water with you.

Step 4. Prepare for such a long commute with shorter routes in the vicinity of your home
If it's been a while since you got on your bike, even two or three kilometers will help you get back into your rhythm at first. If you are preparing longer routes, this will be used to test your equipment.

Step 5. Do some warm-up and some stretching for about ten minutes
Jumping in place, running in place and leg stretches are all that's needed. This step is essential to avoid leg cramps, especially in the thighs.

Step 6. Start pedaling at the pace that suits you best, and try to keep the same pace as best you can

Step 7. When you get to a hill, shift gears to a lower gear to make pedaling easier

Step 8. Take a break if necessary every 20 to 40 kilometers, depending on your fitness
Eat something and drink some water. Check your bike to make sure everything is fine. If you find that something is not working as it should, grab your cell phone and ask for help. Before continuing your journey, drink some water.

Step 9. Repeat the process until you reach your destination

Step 10. Cool off with some water to rehydrate
- Don't wait until you're thirsty before rehydrating.
- Riding a bike with a friend who has a similar pace to yours can make you pass the time faster and you can help each other if something goes wrong.
- Plan, plan and plan! Mark the route you want to take on a map and take a navigator or smartphone with you with the maps of the area you want to travel. This will allow you to schedule stops in cities, rest areas, or for emergencies.
- When you stop for a break, do some stretching to keep your muscles from cooling down.
- Carrying a spare inner tube, tire lever, bits and a blower with you is undoubtedly the best thing in case you have some wheel accident.
- Make sure the wheels are inflated to adequate pressure. If the pressure is too low, you will travel slower, and if it is too high, you will be uncomfortable.
- A nearby bike shop will help you check your bike to make sure it's safe.
- Get the lightest bike you can afford.
- Make sure you have an ICE phone number (in case of emergency) in your mobile phone. This is the number that paramedics look for if a person is unconscious.
- Having quick release pedals or pedals equipped with toe clips will help maximize pedaling efficiency.
- Obey traffic laws.
- Always do some warm-up to show that you hurt yourself.
- Seek medical advice if you are unsure whether you will be able to cycle long distances.
- Avoid high-sugar energy foods, which will give you an initial boost. However, after a short time, you will feel worse than before.
- Wear a helmet.
- Always carry a road map with you so as not to get lost.
- Read the owner's manual of the bicycle before using it.