The bow is a fundamental part of the violin; without this element you could only play pieces with the pizzicato technique. This article tells you how to keep the headband in perfect condition, like new.

Step 1. After playing, loosen the bow and wipe the wooden part with a soft lint-free cloth
Loosening it prevents it from deforming when you put it back in the case.

Step 2. A simple wipe is not always enough
From time to time you need to clean the hair; to proceed, loosen the screw at the end of the heel to detach them.

Step 3. Take a small dose of denatured alcohol and gently scrub the hair lengthwise with the help of a toothbrush
Focus especially on the dirtiest areas.

Step 4. Hang the bow to dry so that the hair does not touch the wooden part

Step 5. Reassemble the element, stretch the hair and apply the rosin carefully
- It's worth hiring a luthier to change your hair once or twice a year (depending on how much you play).
- Do this cleansing once a month to make sure the hair does not blacken from the oil in the skin.
- Use specific cloths to clean the heel, toe, and the rest of the special parts of the headband.
- Don't let the alcohol touch the wooden stick.
- Never use commercial cleaners on the hair of the bow.
- Make sure that the hair does not twist or tangle as you clean it.
- Do not break the headband.