Your poem could be appreciated by others if it is carefully collected in volume. This article explains how to make your own poetry book yourself.

Step 1. Select a theme for your poetry collection
For example: love, relationships, illness, pain, loss, learning.

Step 2. Select the poems that relate to the theme

Step 3. Sort selected poems into chapters by grouping those dealing with similar topics

Step 4. Create a table of contents, sorted by chapters, and a copyright page

Step 5. Type all the poems in the same format on the computer, and collect them in a manuscript, as you would like them to appear in your book
Determine the size of the book you want to create, for example: 21x30 (A4), 17x24, 15x21, etc.. Type the manuscript using the page size you have chosen

Step 6. Choose a title for your book
Consider the theme and choose a title that reflects it.

Step 7. Decide if you want your book to be sold in physical bookstores or virtual bookstores
- If so, you need to buy an ISBN code and a bar code from the ISBN Agency at
- If not, skip this step. You don't need to get an ISBN if you just want to share your book personally with family and friends.

Step 8. Create a cover for your book, or hire a graphic designer to create one
If you are using an ISBN, you need to leave a space on the back cover.

Step 9. Find a printer who can print your book
Visit local print shops and consider online ones. Look at the examples of the books they have printed. Get a good number of quotes.

Step 10. Choose a printer, give him the manuscript and cover design and place the order
- You can also combine different themes in your book by dividing them into separate sections.
- The copyright for your work is automatically granted to you simply by publishing the collection. However, if there is the possibility that someone else uses your work without recognizing your copyright, you can deposit your unpublished work with the SIAE. The filing forms are available on The deposit fee is currently 132 euros if you are not registered with the SIAE.