Pinworms are thin, worm-like nematode parasites that cause severe itching in the anal area. Sometimes the body is able to fight a moderate infestation on its own, especially if you can use home treatments. However, due to the highly contagious nature of the infestation, it is usually advised to seek medical attention to get rid of the parasites more quickly. Read on to learn what to do to get rid of pinworms.
Method 1 of 3: Eliminate Parasites with Good Hygiene

Step 1. Make a commitment to do a thorough cleaning
Pinworms have a life cycle of about 6 weeks, so if you want to get rid of the infestation without the use of drugs and if you want to avoid future relapses, you and all your family members must take care of personal hygiene and cleaning in general. for at least an equally long period.
- Pinworm infestation is highly contagious, so all family members need to be involved.
- If you pass the parasite to other people, you can become infected again.

Step 2. Wash your hands often
Wash them frequently with soap and warm water to avoid spreading parasites.
- Be especially considerate of this hygiene practice and wash your hands thoroughly after going to the bathroom or changing diapers.
- It is equally important to teach children the importance of washing their hands themselves and to make sure they do so thoroughly, as children often spread the infestation unknowingly.

Step 3. Trim and brush your nails
Pinworm eggs can get stuck under your fingernails when you scratch, so keeping them short and well cleaned can reduce the chances of this happening.
Short nails allow you not to develop bad habits, such as eating them, which would increase the risk of infection

Step 4. Wash your clothing, sheets and towels
Pinworm eggs can also settle on these clothes, especially when you sleep, so it is extremely important to wash them every day in very hot water and with a laundry detergent.
- You must wash your underwear, pajamas, pants, towels, and washcloths every day until the infestation is eradicated.
- You must also wash your bedding every day until you take an anti-parasite medication; at that point it is necessary to wash it only on the first day of treatment and then approximately every three days.
- Dry all items in the dryer. High temperature is more effective at killing pests than other drying methods.
- Do not share towels or washcloths so as not to spread the infestation.

Step 5. Take a bath every day
Take a warm shower at least once a day during an infestation. Use a cleanser or body soap when you wash and don't just rinse yourself with water.
- Pay special attention to the skin around the anus to get rid of the eggs.
- Try to wash yourself in the morning so you can get rid of more eggs that have accumulated overnight.
- Showering is more effective than bathing in the tub because you reduce the risk of spreading parasites to other parts of the body. Eggs that detach when you are in the tub may re-enter from your mouth or elsewhere on your body.

Step 6. Clean any surfaces that could potentially be contaminated
This step is important because eggs can attach themselves to objects they come into contact with, such as clothing, toys, dishes, and furniture. Remember that eggs can survive for 2 or 3 weeks outside the body.
- Clean the toilet seat every day.
- Regularly clean and disinfect your kitchen counter and other surfaces.
- Clean and disinfect children's toys.
- Put the toothbrush in the bathroom cabinet and rinse it with warm water before using it.

Step 7. Stop scratching
Although pinworms cause an annoying itch, you should avoid scratching in the anal area, because you risk retaining eggs on your fingers and then infest other people.
- By scratching the infested areas, the eggs can get trapped under the nails.
- Wear gloves at night so you avoid scratching unknowingly.
- Keep your nails short. By doing so, even if you scratch yourself by mistake, the eggs are less likely to get stuck under your fingernails.
Method 2 of 3: Try Home Remedies to Get Rid of Pinworms

Step 1. Supplement your diet with probiotics
Eat foods rich in these elements, such as yogurt, or take supplements. Probiotics stimulate the "good" bacteria present in the digestive system by creating an unsuitable environment for the development of parasites.
- By including 250ml of yogurt in your daily diet or by taking two tablets of probiotic supplements a day you can significantly increase the presence of these organisms in the intestine.
- Always follow the instructions on the package when buying and taking supplements.

Step 2. Drink a few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar every day
Dilute a few teaspoons with water and drink the mixture daily. Some people think that the natural acidity of this substance creates an inhospitable environment for parasites.

Step 3. Eat more garlic
It is believed to be effective in killing pinworms, so you should increase your consumption if you are concerned that you or any family member have an infestation.
- Increase the amount of garlic as a condiment on your dishes.
- If you want to take a large amount, take supplements two or three times a day for several days during the infestation. You should take the tablets for several weeks or until the symptoms subside.
- You can also make a mixture with two crushed garlic cloves and a teaspoon of honey and eat it once a day.

Step 4. Take Grapefruit Seed Extract
This is another home remedy recommended by some people to treat pinworm infestation. You can find it in most supermarkets and health food stores. It is believed to have anti-parasitic properties.
If you decide to take it in tablet form, take 3 per day. If you opt for the liquid form, the recommended dosage is 10 drops of grapefruit seed extract diluted in a glass of water, to be drunk three times a day

Step 5. Reduce your sugar intake
Try to eat as little starchy or sugar-rich products as possible, because pinworms feed on sugar and this substance allows them to grow significantly.
Some people think that eliminating as much sugar from food as possible is an effective solution for parasites to start starving
Method 3 of 3: Treating Pinworms with Drugs

Step 1. Purchase over-the-counter infestation medications
Look for oral medicines that contain pyrantel pamoate. This active ingredient paralyzes the nervous system of parasites, causing them to leave the body in the feces.
- Follow the instructions described on the leaflet to know the dosage and dosage.
- You must not take this drug if you have liver problems, are pregnant or are breastfeeding.
- Pyrantel pamoate can interact with other medications or supplements, so ask your doctor or pharmacist beforehand if it's safe for you.

Step 2. Ask your doctor to prescribe anti-parasite medications
Individuals who experience severe discomfort or who have moderate or severe infestation are often treated with powerful anti-parasitic drugs, which quickly eliminate adult specimens.
- The most popular medicines to treat parasitic infestations are albendazole and mebendazole. Both work by preventing pinworms from absorbing sugars, so they no longer have the energy they need and die.
- These drugs can cause mild gastrointestinal problems, including stomach pain and nausea.
- More serious side effects might include sore throat, fever, unusual bleeding or bruising, shortness of breath, and fatigue. If you experience any unusual side effects, stop taking the drug and contact your doctor.
- Doctors generally advise against the use of this medicine for pregnant women and children under two years of age.

Step 3. Ask for an itch cream
Ask your doctor to recommend a relief cream that is safe to use in the anal area. He may refer you to an over-the-counter product or prescribe a more potent drug.
Although anti-parasite medications are effective in killing pinworms, you may still feel itchy after starting the cure. This can create an unpleasant and at the same time problematic situation, since the eggs can remain in the organism even after the adult specimens have died. If you scratch yourself you can spread the eggs, aggravating the situation

Step 4. Be prepared to have to repeat the treatment
Your doctor may recommend a second course of treatment two weeks after finishing the first.
Symptoms of the infestation may fade or disappear within the first week of treatment, but this cure only kills adult specimens. Therefore a second cycle or a "booster" may be necessary to kill all the specimens hatched from eggs that were not eliminated during the first treatment

Step 5. Maintain good hygiene habits
Although the pinworm drug is effective, it is essential that you and all family members adhere to good hygiene practices to reduce the risk of new infestation and / or transmission of parasites. Follow the guidelines described in the first part of the article to prevent new infestations from occurring and to reduce the risk of spreading pinworms to other people.
- Children can often spread parasites because they don't understand the importance of maintaining good hygiene practices. Teach your children how to prevent infestation and make sure they follow treatment guidelines.
- To increase the effectiveness of the treatments and get rid of pinworms, try combining the different methods described in this article.
- Pinworms are highly contagious, so it's important to treat all family members to reduce the risk of a new infestation or spread.
- Over-the-counter treatments can interact with other medications and supplements, so check with your doctor or pharmacist before purchasing them to find out if they can be used safely.
- Pregnant or nursing women should first speak to their gynecologist to find the best treatment for pinworm infection, because over-the-counter and prescription medications are not always safe.