How To Take Bee Pollen: 12 Steps

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How To Take Bee Pollen: 12 Steps
How To Take Bee Pollen: 12 Steps

Natural bee pollen consists of plant pollen that is collected by worker bees, as well as plant nectar and bees' saliva. For commercial use, beekeepers collect pollen directly from inside the hives. This product is used by professionals who use natural remedies to treat health problems such as constipation, cancer, to strengthen the immune system and to help lose weight. Although there are many pollen-based medical supplements and medical products on the market, there is no scientific evidence that they are effective in treating certain diseases, disorders, diseases or that they are valid nutritional supplements. Before you start taking pollen, you need to know the possible risks and side effects of what is called a "super food".


Part 1 of 3: Recognizing the Risks and Side Effects of Bee Pollen

Take Bee Pollen Step 1
Take Bee Pollen Step 1

Step 1. Know the origin of the pollen

Bees collect it from flowering plants while looking for nectar from various flowers. The pollen contains the gametes, the male reproductive cells of the flower, as well as the digestive enzymes of bees.

  • Natural pollen contains vitamins and minerals, as well as trace elements, enzymes and amino acids. However, the exact composition varies based on the type of plant from which the pollen was collected. It is difficult to keep track of the specific type of plant, so it is somewhat difficult to establish the amount of healthy elements within the pollen processed by bees. If it has been harvested from plants found in particularly polluted areas, with high concentrations of heavy metals and toxins, these substances will be present in the pollen and will be harmful for human consumption.
  • Many doctors believe that the benefits offered by this product to humans are actually nullified by the harm resulting from its consumption. Many pollen supplements contain other elements or chemicals that can cause negative side effects or allergic reactions.
Take Bee Pollen Step 2
Take Bee Pollen Step 2

Step 2. Pay attention to possible allergic reactions to pollen

Some people experience allergies when they eat pollen and these reactions can be of varying severity, with symptoms ranging from moderate to true anaphylactic shock. Dyspnoea, skin disorders, or skin rashes are all possible signs of an allergic reaction to pollen. Sometimes anaphylaxis, a dangerous reaction that causes swelling of the airways and shock, can also occur.

If you are susceptible to allergic reactions or suffer from asthma, avoid eating pollen

Take Bee Pollen Step 3
Take Bee Pollen Step 3

Step 3. Learn about the other risks and side effects associated with ingesting this nutrient

Research has shown that it may contain substances that are harmful to the liver and kidneys. Therefore, the popular belief that this product is a "super food" and a "perfect natural product" is false, as even many natural products sometimes contain toxins and are not always safe for the body.

  • It is not yet certain whether pollen is safe for young children and pregnant women. Usually, it is not recommended for these categories of people, as there is no scientific evidence to prove its safety.
  • Among sportspeople, pollen is known to be ergogenic, i.e. able to improve athletic performance, although there is no scientific evidence to show that it really has these qualities.
Take Bee Pollen Step 4
Take Bee Pollen Step 4

Step 4. Be aware of the risks associated with pollen-based weight loss supplements

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), certain additives and chemicals have been found in several such food supplements that can cause severe heart problems, heart attack, chest pain, seizures, suicidal thoughts, insomnia and diarrhea. The FDA has received more than 50 reports of serious heart disease from taking weight loss supplements containing contaminated pollen, and other similar products are currently being investigated for undeclared active ingredients that could put consumers' health at risk.

  • Search the internet for brands that are most likely to contain toxic substances.
  • You should also be very cautious about the claims of some manufacturers regarding the effectiveness of their supplements in treating obesity, allergies, hypertension and cholesterol.
  • There may be generic risks when taking these dietary supplements. Although the Ministry of Health monitors the safety of supplements and requires that certain standard requirements and criteria be respected before they are marketed, there is however an "underground market" of products that come from countries outside the European Union and that are mainly sold online.; sadly, there is no way to ascertain the safety and origin of these supplements. For all these reasons, be wary of any "miracle" product sold on the web.
  • There are several pollen supplements that have been shown to be polluted and therefore toxic. It is important to always do careful research about the ingredients in the product and check the health risks reported by other consumers.

Part 2 of 3: Buy Natural Bee Pollen Supplements

Take Bee Pollen Step 5
Take Bee Pollen Step 5

Step 1. Check the ingredients listed on the product

Search online for these substances or read the label.

  • Make sure the product does not contain toxic substances, such as mercury, heavy metals and pesticides. You should also check that there are no fillers inside the supplement, such as cellulose, caramel and titanium dioxide.
  • Even though the supplement is marketed as "all natural," it doesn't mean it's safe to consume. When "natural flavors" are also listed among the ingredients, it means that monosodium glutamate (MSG) may have been added. Many people have severe allergies to this substance and it should not be added to supplements that define themselves as quality.
  • Also pay attention to the presence of any mold inhibitors or chemicals to promote color retention; in fact, they are chemical preservatives that could be harmful if ingested.
Take Bee Pollen Step 6
Take Bee Pollen Step 6

Step 2. Contact the manufacturer to confirm the purity of the supplement

If the manufacturer is serious and qualified, they should be able to provide you with proof of the quality and characteristics of the "all natural" product. Ask if it is possible to have the certificate of analysis (COA) for each batch of product.

  • This certificate is issued at the end of the tests carried out by an independent laboratory, it is used to verify the active ingredients present and the purity of the product. The AOC is meant to ensure that the manufacturing company is selling a high quality supplement.
  • Look on the package for the lot number and ask for the COA for that specific lot. It then checks all components for any heavy metals and microbiological contaminants present. Some manufacturers publish the certificate of analysis on their online site. Optionally, you can also ask the health food store clerk or vendor if they have the supplement's COA available for viewing.
Take Bee Pollen Step 7
Take Bee Pollen Step 7

Step 3. Identify the place of origin of the pollen supplement

Talk to the manufacturer or check the label to determine where it was made. The main problem when choosing such a supplement is the amount of pollutants the pollen has been exposed to. In fact, pollen absorbs pollutants from the air and the environment. When pollen is produced in a geographic area or industrialized city, it is more likely to absorb toxic and harmful substances.

The main sources of this nutrient are the United States, Canada, China and Australia. However, you should avoid taking those from China, as many of its regions are very polluted

Take Bee Pollen Step 8
Take Bee Pollen Step 8

Step 4. Look for freeze dried products

They are available in health food stores or you can buy them online. Pollen must not be processed or subjected to heat drying, as it would lose the essential nutrients and enzymes present within it. Freeze-drying, on the other hand, allows to obtain a superior quality product.

Although there is no scientific evidence that pollen can cure certain diseases, ailments or offer nutritional benefits, if you buy the freeze-dried one you can be sure that you are getting pollen that has not been deprived of its healthful qualities

Part 3 of 3: Take Bee Pollen Supplements

Take Bee Pollen Step 9
Take Bee Pollen Step 9

Step 1. Talk to your doctor before taking supplements

Since its health benefits have not been confirmed or supported by the medical community, you need to ask your doctor if there may be any side effects associated with its consumption. Your doctor will be able to give you all the information about other types of treatments that are recognized as valid for your problem. They can also recommend lifestyle or dietary changes that are more effective than pollen supplements. If you have allergic asthma, some blood or liver disease, pollen is not recommended. Your doctor will certainly be able to tell you if this is the case for you.

Take Bee Pollen Step 10
Take Bee Pollen Step 10

Step 2. Check for interactions with other medications

If you are taking any other prescription supplements or medicines, you should discuss this with your doctor or pharmacist. The combination of some medications and supplements can cause side effects. Your doctor will be able to tell you if any medications you are taking have potential interactions with pollen.

Take Bee Pollen Step 11
Take Bee Pollen Step 11

Step 3. Start by taking small doses

If you decide to take pollen, you must start with reduced dosages, to avoid that it can trigger adverse reactions. You will be able to increase the dosage gradually, to be sure that the product is safe for you. You can start with half a gram per day and gradually increase half a gram at a time to a maximum of 30g per day.

Take Bee Pollen Step 12
Take Bee Pollen Step 12

Step 4. Stop taking it if you start experiencing any negative side effects

If you have any symptoms or allergic reactions to pollen, you need to stop taking it right away. See your doctor to treat the allergic reaction. Pollen can aggravate existing allergies if you are allergic to any substance in the supplement.
