There are three things to learn to ride a unicycle: getting on, cycling and getting off. Due to the great balance required, the following steps take a lot of practice to master. Start with patience and an adventurous attitude and learn how to use the unicycle by following these instructions.
Method 1 of 4: Getting on the Unicycle

Step 1. Find a railing and place the unicycle parallel to it so you can use it as a support to climb up
The railing must be high enough to rest your hand at a comfortable height while on the unicycle.

Step 2. Place the unicycle pedals vertically, but slightly offset, so that one pedal is at 4 o'clock and the other at 10 o'clock
If you already know what your front foot is for sports like skateboarding, surfing and snowboarding, you will put your dominant foot on the pedal at 4 o'clock, the other on the pedal at 10 o'clock.

Step 3. Fold the unicycle towards you until the saddle rests between your legs
Squeeze the saddle between your upper thighs.

Step 4. Continue to squeeze the saddle between your thighs and place both hands on the railing
Keep your body and unicycle parallel to the railing.

Step 5. Put your main foot on the pedal at 4 o'clock
Notice how this is the opposite movement to the one on the bike, where you have to put your foot on the farthest pedal to gain momentum.
It will take a lot of practice to get used to moving backwards instead of forwards when you mount the unicycle. Take your time and be patient

Step 6. Push yourself with the other foot and sit in the saddle, placing your secondary foot on the furthest pedal, in the 10 o'clock position
You will need to pedal lightly right away to keep your balance.
The wheel should make a quarter turn backward as you mount the unicycle. Once mounted, the pedals should be vertical

Step 7. Hold on to the railing and begin pedaling very slowly at first
Lean forward slightly to maintain balance.

Step 8. Practice mounting and pedaling by holding onto the railing until you feel ready to balance yourself
It can take several hours or several days, depending on your skill.
Once you feel ready, you can learn how to freely mount without helping yourself with a fence or railing. Try using your hands to hold the saddle as you mount or using your arms to help you keep your balance
Method 2 of 4: On the Unicycle

Step 1. Put your body weight on the seat
Doing so will relieve your legs and feet on the pedals. If you push on the pedals, they will be more difficult to handle, making pedaling and balancing more difficult.

Step 2. Push the unicycle forward by leaning all the way forward with it, as one
This movement will seem strange to you at first and be a little scary, but you will get used to it.
- Make sure you move as one with the unicycle
- Don't just bend your torso forward or you will lose balance and won't be able to move forward.

Step 3. Stand straight after gaining speed
Imagine that your back is an extension of the saddle.
- To accelerate, lean forward slightly and push harder on the pedals.
- To slow down, stand up straight and check the force you exert on the pedals. Make sure you put all your weight on the seat and refrain from moving backwards when you slow down, it can be dangerous.

Step 4. To go backwards, pedal in reverse doing a quarter turn at a time while keeping your torso straight on the seat
Be careful not to lean back, losing your balance. It is more difficult to prevent a backward fall than a forward fall.

Step 5. Continue to practice pedaling back and forth holding on to the fence or railing for as long as necessary
When you feel ready, you can let go of the support and start pedaling on your own.
Method 3 of 4: Learn to spin

Step 1. Keep your torso straight on the seat and prepare to turn around, using your body to steer the unicycle in both directions

Step 2. Use your hips to quickly turn the unicycle to the left or right
As the center of gravity of the body-unicycle ensemble, you have to apply much of the force necessary to turn on your hips.

Step 3. Turn sharply on the unicycle wheel, giving a hip strike and turning the pedals
This movement must be quick to maintain balance.

Step 4. Use a support the first few times you try to turn around
Then, when you feel ready, you can pull away and use your arms to support the rolling motion. To do this, wind your arms and swing them in the opposite direction to where you are turning.

Step 5. Remember to bend your body slightly to help rotate in the desired direction
Don't stray too far from your center of gravity and keep your weight on the saddle.

Step 6. Continue pedaling immediately after turning
It is much more difficult to balance on the unicycle if the wheel is stationary.
Method 4 of 4: Get off the Unicycle

Step 1. Place the pedals in the same vertical position you used to step up
Make sure your favorite foot is up and the other is down.

Step 2. Shift your weight to the bottom foot
Look down to keep balance.

Step 3. Hold onto the railing with one or both hands depending on how confident you are
When you are more practical, you will no longer have to hold on to get off.
When you no longer need to hold on to something to get off, you will put your hands on the saddle as you get off. Doing so will allow you to hold the unicycle instead of dropping it to the ground

Step 4. When you feel stable, put your favorite foot down first, the top one
Continue to keep your weight on the foot down.

Step 5. Put the second foot down immediately after touching the ground with the first
You need to have the right timing to keep your balance.
- Don't pedal as if you were on a bicycle. Press on both pedals to soften the movement.
- As you go, it is very important to look ahead. If you look down at the wheel you risk losing your balance.
- When dismounting, do not try to move the saddle forward. Go back and let the saddle fall by itself, standing ready with your legs.
- If the saddle falls on your way down, drop it. The important thing is that you are standing.
- Adjust the saddle height according to the height of your hips to be more comfortable.
- Beginners should learn by holding on to a railing or a friend.
- For some, the best way to learn is to pair up with another person, holding hands.
- Unicycles don't have brakes. Don't go too fast and don't go downhill until you're comfortable.
- No one has ever learned to ride a unicycle without falling sometimes. Always wear protections: helmet, knee pads, elbow and wrist protectors.
- Learning to ride a unicycle takes time, practice and patience.
- Make sure you keep your feet straight on the pedals. If you keep them turned out, you may hit the wheel with your ankles as you go.
- When you are about to fall, jump down and let the unicycle fall. In many cases the unicycle has bumpers to protect it from falls.