How to Train the Belgian Malinois Dog

How to Train the Belgian Malinois Dog
How to Train the Belgian Malinois Dog

Table of contents:


The Malinois Belgian Shepherd Dog is one of the varieties of this breed; it has characteristics similar to the German shepherd, but it is more agile, in the sense that the conformation of its body is more tapered. If you want to train him seriously, you have to start from when he is a puppy, when he is 2 or 3 months old. Each training session should last no more than half an hour or one hour per day and the dog can be trained until he is two years old.


Part 1 of 6: Starting as a Puppy

Train a Belgian Malinois Step 1
Train a Belgian Malinois Step 1

Step 1. Train him from an early age

After taking him out of the litter, you need to get him used to using paper towels for his own needs right away. Let him smell all areas of the house and leave plenty of fresh water available for him to drink.

  • Integrate cage training; he needs to know where he needs to sleep every day. Let the puppy understand that his place is the cage and not your sofa or bedroom from the bed.
  • Use only the leash with a leather collar instead of a choke one;
  • Buy some toys and let them play after each training session.
Train a Belgian Malinois Step 2
Train a Belgian Malinois Step 2

Step 2. Grab the dog by the back of the head when you want to train him

This shrewdness allows you to make him understand that it is you who commands and not him.

Train a Belgian Malinois Step 3
Train a Belgian Malinois Step 3

Step 3. Feed him at the same time every day three times a day

Take note of the training sessions and routines you put in place on a daily basis.

Train a Belgian Malinois Step 4
Train a Belgian Malinois Step 4

Step 4. Expose it to different activities and places

For example, take it with you when you go to the mall or take a bike ride and have its tail stay by your side. Get used to different noises, such as horns, toy guns, radios, vacuum cleaners, and more. After a month of training in the use of absorbent paper for his needs, he begins to get used to going out and meeting his needs outside.

Do this every morning, afternoon, and evening after meals. you must always adhere to this routine until he learns to behave correctly

Part 2 of 6: Teaching him the "Sit" and "Down" Commands

Train a Belgian Malinois Step 5
Train a Belgian Malinois Step 5

Step 1. Teach him to sit

When you want him to, just push his butt down while you grab the leash and say the "Sit" command at the same time; in this way, the animal understands what you want from him.

  • After 10-15 repetitions he should understand;
  • Obviously, you have to reward him every time he executes the command by offering him treats or cuddles;
  • Repeat the exercise every day until he learns to respect your command.
Train a Belgian Malinois Step 6
Train a Belgian Malinois Step 6

Step 2. Teach him to lie down when he has learned to sit

First, give the command "Sit" and then push it down while saying "Down"; keep repeating this sequence for up to 30 times. Then repeat the exercise in the afternoon.

  • Always use positive reinforcement by praising him whenever he behaves the way you want;
  • Always write down your progress in a small notebook; also write down the places you have exposed the puppy to.

Part 3 of 6: Taking care of her hygiene

Train a Belgian Malinois Step 7
Train a Belgian Malinois Step 7

Step 1. Ensure good grooming

A well-groomed dog is happy and healthy. You have to bathe the puppy every week using a specific shampoo, a flea powder and drying his fur with a hair dryer and sheets against static electricity; do not neglect the legs, mouth and ears.

  • Use clean cotton balls moistened with water and denatured alcohol to scrub the inside of the auricles;
  • Inspect the animal's body and head, as well as the front and hind legs, not forgetting the eyes.
Train a Belgian Malinois Step 8
Train a Belgian Malinois Step 8

Step 2. Allow him to fulfill his needs

After the bath, let him defecate and urinate outside the house, taking him for a walk until the sun has dried his fur.

Part 4 of 6: Managing the Time to Leave Home and Return from Work

Train a Belgian Malinois Step 9
Train a Belgian Malinois Step 9

Step 1. Simply go out when you need to without feeling compelled to pet the dog

When you come back after work, go into the driveway and then into the house, but don't cuddle him, to prevent him from learning to jump on you; say the command "Sit" and stroke him two or three times letting him calm down. This amount of pampering is enough for the moment; alternatively, take some treats home and offer them to him when he lies down on the ground.

Part 5 of 6: Have Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner

Train a Belgian Malinois Step 10
Train a Belgian Malinois Step 10

Step 1. Make it clear right away that your meal time is separate from hers

Since the animal is in the training phase, you must teach it that it is not right for it to stand in front of you staring at you while you dine; order him to lie on the ground near the front door while you and your family eat your meals. Don't offer him food on these occasions.

Always make him look towards the door to strengthen his sense of discipline; when properly trained, the Belgian Malinois becomes the "protégé" of his master

Part 6 of 6: Keep it healthy

Train a Belgian Malinois Step 11
Train a Belgian Malinois Step 11

Step 1. Check him every day to make sure he is healthy

Observe his pace and the way he eats; if you notice any abnormalities or symptoms of illness, take him to the vet right away for a visit and thus avoid future complications.

Train a Belgian Malinois Step 12
Train a Belgian Malinois Step 12

Step 2. Treat parasitic infections

Subject the dog to deworming treatments every six months and to those against fleas on a monthly basis; this is the correct way to manage his health. Flea infestations, especially in the ears, cause bruises that require expensive care. Insects could affect the ability of the pinnae to remain erect and, once a hematoma has developed, they no longer return to their original position.


  • It plays an essential role in the life of the dog; give him a rubber ball to play, teach him to bring it back and leave it in your hands.
  • All Malinois dogs have a strong hunting instinct, which means they can chase cats, toy dogs, cyclists and even small children, especially if they are running; you must therefore be very careful and hold the leash firmly whenever you encounter these kinds of distractions.
  • Never stroke him when he is agitated, for example when he is frightened by thunder; the animal interprets your actions as a kind of reward and you must not allow it to develop this habit.
  • The Malinois is a shepherd dog, so don't feel annoyed if it follows you every time you move around the house; You can solve the problem by offering him something to focus on, such as a toy, or by giving him the order "Stop".
  • The good news is that he is not a voracious dog, so it is not a big problem to keep him.
  • If you want to train him as a watchdog, you shouldn't allow people outside the household to touch or pet him.


  • Don't treat him roughly when he's still a puppy.
  • Watch him eat as he may ingest a plastic toy or stone which in turn could damage his stomach and cause bloody stools.
  • Never offer him chocolate, it is toxic to dogs. Not even shellfish, because they could trigger severe allergies.
