How To Be The Guy Every Woman Wants: 8 Steps

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How To Be The Guy Every Woman Wants: 8 Steps
How To Be The Guy Every Woman Wants: 8 Steps

In reality all women are different, yet there are characteristics that they share, some needs, some desires. There are women who go against the tide but most of them are looking for a man who not only looks good, he must also be intelligent, confident and with a hint of humor. If you can recognize when to be sensitive, and when it's time to show these characteristics, the girl you've always dreamed of could become yours.


Be the Guy Women Want Step 01
Be the Guy Women Want Step 01

Step 1. Remember that every woman is different

Each has its own tastes, ideas and different beliefs, but all would like to have a man by their side who can understand them and intuit their needs by himself. Here are some things women appreciate in a man.

Change Your Whole Personality Step 16
Change Your Whole Personality Step 16

Step 2. Take care of your appearance and your look

In order to attract the attention of a woman, you must show yourself attractive.

Start a Conversation With a Girl Step 14
Start a Conversation With a Girl Step 14

Step 3. Just being cute isn't enough

Attracting a woman's attention is only the first step, the real challenge is being able to keep her interest in you alive. Some qualities that will be facilitated in the company:

  • Charm. A charming man will make his woman feel important.
  • Personality. You will have to prove to the girl that you are not stupid. If you are looking for something more than a passing adventure then you will have to use your brain.
  • Humor. Women love men who make them laugh.
  • Respect. There is nothing women hate more than an arrogant and rude man, they often appreciate safety, but DO NOT CONFUSE a person who has self-confidence with one who flaunts catch phrases and tends to impose himself on others. If you behave like this you will be "chasing" her and it is a somewhat unpleasant tactic (and almost never appreciated by women). Some do it just for fun, but women have realized that there is no point in wasting their time with someone who enjoys manipulating them.
  • Show yourself eager to get to know them. Women aren't attracted to the guy who makes random hookups in clubs, they want someone who makes an effort to get to know them. So don't waste your time with predictable phrases like "Did you hurt yourself when you fell from heaven?". Carry on a REAL conversation. Find out about her favorite films, try to figure out which one is the ideal date for her. If you understand that she encourages you, and shows interest, ask her about her most secret fantasies, what excites her and what she hates. Knowing what she doesn't like is as important as knowing what she likes.
Ask out Someone Who Likes You Step 04
Ask out Someone Who Likes You Step 04

Step 4. Take control without being bossy or bossy

Handle the situation. If you ask a girl what she would like to do when you're dating, and she doesn't give you an answer, then you choose, think of something! Whatever you decide will be better than spending the whole evening asking each other "what do you want to do?" "I don't know, what would you like to do?".

Play a Player Step 05
Play a Player Step 05

Step 5. Read their signals

Sometimes women communicate without the need for words. If they touch their hair with their hands, if they wet their lips and hint at a smile. Or if they cast a glance, they put their hand on their hip and just raise their upper lip. Be aware of these habits that cry out what a woman would like. Even in bed a woman will be able to give you signals, if she raises her hands it is because she tries to stimulate your aggression, if instead she puts her hands on your chest, and puts pressure, it is because she wants to stop you.

Be a Better Husband Step 04
Be a Better Husband Step 04

Step 6. Behave like a man capable of becoming a family man

Nothing can seduce a woman's imagination like painting a future picture in which you are next to your children and take care of them. While some women don't like this fantasy, most of them are attracted to a man who presents himself as a perfect future father, someone who can deal with children. Try to understand what a father you would be and ask yourself, what makes a man a good father? But do not express any obsession with having children, and do not specify that they must be "his". Especially if you've just met her, she might get scared.

Be the Guy Women Want Step 07
Be the Guy Women Want Step 07

Step 7. Build a good reputation

Be the person your woman can brag about to friends and family. If everyone thinks you're a wonderful guy, he'll be thrilled with you and never feel embarrassed.

Be the Guy Women Want Step 08
Be the Guy Women Want Step 08

Step 8. Don't humble yourself

There are women who love to be courted, even if in some cases it is a question of "chasing them". Some like to receive jewelry and chocolates. Others prefer men who are not afraid of risk, and who are self-confident, but not arrogant. Try to understand what the preferences of the woman you are interested in are.
