Have you ever wondered what people say that you can barely hear on the other side of the house? Whether it's a stranger or a loved one, whether you're in your home or somewhere else, eavesdrop is probably not a good idea. But if you do decide to spy anyway, there are plenty of ways to hear a conversation on the other side of a wall with amazing clarity. Just make sure you know the laws and potential risks if you choose to eavesdrop.
Method 1 of 4: Using a Glass

Step 1. Get a glass
Have you decided to eavesdrop? Where to start? The simplest way to do this is to hold a glass against the wall. This method works because it creates an "acoustic coupling" between the wall and the glass, allowing the sound waves to travel from side to side. Tall glasses, such as beer glasses, are ideal. There are those who can eavesdrop even with tall paper glasses, but glass conducts sound waves better than other materials.
- Experiment with different types and shapes of glasses to find the one that best suits your purposes.
- If you have an iPhone, you can download the Amplitude Pro app and hold the phone on the glass against the wall. This application allows you to hear distant sounds more clearly, as well as record and save what you can hear.

Step 2. Look for the spot on the wall where the noise is clearest
In some places on a wall, sounds are transmitted with greater clarity, due to the structure of the wall or the distance from the source of the sound. Experiment to test the sound quality until you find the best spot. In some cases it can be difficult to move along the surface if the noises are coming from the ceiling. If the wall is too far from the origin of the conversation, you probably won't hear clearly.

Step 3. Place the rim of the glass against the wall
Remember: for this method to work, the glass and the wall must acoustically match. To create this coupling, place the glass with the flat rim against the wall. This way the sound waves will pass from the wall to the glass and it will be easier for you to identify them.
When you've put the glass in its place, place one ear on the bottom. Keep moving it until you can hear good
Method 2 of 4: Use a Hole

Step 1. Drill a tiny hole
Another method of hearing through a wall, recently discovered by Japanese and South Korean scientists, is to pierce the wall and use a plastic membrane. First, use a drill to drill a tiny hole in the wall. Use a drill with a long, fine tip for this purpose.
- Don't expect to feel good from the small hole already. In fact, a simple hole in a wall can limit the transmission of sound.
- Drill holes in the wall at a time when your neighbor is not home, otherwise they may hear the sound or notice debris from the puncture.

Step 2. Cover the hole with a thin membrane
This is the part that allows the method to work. In fact, studies have shown that when you cover the hole with a thin membrane on one side of the transmission, you get an effect similar to that of eliminating the wall, because the membrane equalizes the pressure on both sides of the hole and acts as a funnel for sound waves.
Try using regular kitchen plastic wrap. It is the same material used by scientists in the early stages of their study

Step 3. Listen
When you've made your rudimentary amp, just listen! If you have done the method correctly, you should be able to hear what is happening in the other room quite clearly.
- For even better results, try this method in combination with the first. Put a glass over the hole and the plastic membrane.
- Remember that drilling a hole in the wall has very obvious disadvantages, especially as regards the secrecy of the method. Your neighbor may hear the sound of the drill, see the hole, or notice debris on the floor, and become suspicious. be careful!
Method 3 of 4: Using a Spy Stethoscope

Step 1. Gather the materials you need
Now you can move on to more sophisticated equipment. You can make a spying tool yourself or buy one. A commercial model saves you time, but can cost several hundred euros. If, on the other hand, you build one yourself, the cost will not exceed € 25, if you already have a good MP3 player available.
- You can find a stethoscope at the pharmacy for around € 10. The quality of the tool can rarely make much difference.
- You'll also need a microphone. Multimedia stereo microphones are preferable, because they are cheap (around € 15) but have pretty good sound characteristics. They should allow you to pick up sounds fairly easily and with good quality.
- Finally, you'll need an MP3 player to record sounds, as well as a 3.5mm (mini) Y stereo jack adapter cable. The cable is cheap, around € 3-4. The MP3 player is the most expensive part of the instrument, if you don't already have one. Remember that it must be able to record and therefore it must be a recent model (many older models are unable to record but only play music files).

Step 2. Unmount the microphone
You have to cut the device in the center to expose the cables, remove the cover and take out the actual microphones, which you will insert into the earphones of the stethoscope.
You can open the microphone with a sharp knife. Thanks to it you can precisely cut the outer cover of the device and reach the internal components. Eventually you should get two microphones and two 3.5mm connectors (the cables)

Step 3. Remove and refit the stethoscope earphones
Removing the earbuds is pretty easy and you should be able to do it without breaking them. Don't throw them away, you'll have to attach the microphones to them.
- As a next step, use a drill to drill small holes in the plastic earphones, the same diameter as those in the microphone holder. The size of the holes must be precise, because the devices must fit into the earphones. With an electric drill or grinder you can achieve the required accuracy.
- Glue the microphones inside the earphones. Put a drop of glue along the edges of the devices, then insert them into the holes you made in the earphones of the stethoscope. Reattach the earbuds to the stethoscope and let the glue dry.

Step 4. Connect the stethoscope to the MP3 player
Use the Y adapter to connect the microphones to the player. The sound captured through the wall will now be amplified by the microphones, transmitted to the MP3 player and recorded or saved.
Plug the single stereo connector into the MP3 player. Your spy telescope should be ready

Step 5. Start listening
Experiment with your stethoscope. As with the glass, you will have to experiment a little to find the right position on the wall and to record in the best way. But if the walls don't have thick insulation or double coverage, you should be able to hear what is being said on the other side.
Method 4 of 4: Consider the Consequences of Espionage

Step 1. Ask yourself:
do you really want to spy or do you really need to spy? By eavesdropping through a wall, you spy on another person and violate their privacy, which leads to major legal and ethical problems. Before you act, ask yourself seriously if you want to do it: is the game worth the candle?
- Context is very important. For example, in England, a man saved his elderly neighbor from a robbery by listening through a wall with a glass. In her case, eavesdropping was the best choice.
- Things are almost never that clear, though. You probably shouldn't take action if you have doubts about your situation. If you decide to do it anyway, make sure you know the possible consequences of your actions.

Step 2. Consider the espionage laws
Overhearing means hearing, recording, amplifying or transmitting any part of a private conversation without the consent of at least one of the people involved. Be aware that many nations have laws that prohibit this practice. By spying, you are probably breaking the law; even the mere possession of a spying device could be a crime.
- Your state may have "one party consent" or "both party consent" laws. The consent of one of the parties implies that it is illegal to eavesdrop if you do not have the permission of at least one of the people having a private conversation. If the consent of both parties is required, you must have the permission of the interlocutors to listen, record or amplify their communication.
- Consider, as an example, the laws of the US state of Michigan, where the consent of both parties is required: you must have permission from everyone involved in a conversation to "hear, record, amplify or transmit any part of a conversation. private "(even in your home). Listening is considered a crime in that state.

Step 3. Consider all possible negative consequences
What would happen if you were caught eavesdropping? What would happen to you? These are questions you should ask yourself and carefully consider the answers, which in many cases can have serious consequences.
- Also in the state of Michigan, the penalty for illegal espionage can be up to two years in prison, up to a $ 2,000 fine, or both. In California, espionage can be considered a misdemeanor or a crime. You can face up to 364 days in jail and a $ 2,500 fine as an offense; as a crime, you could spend up to three years in prison and pay a $ 2,500 fine.
- Of course, judicial penalties are not the only negative consequence. You could also face a civil lawsuit for violating another person's privacy, which can cost you thousands of dollars. Even if you escape the legal consequences, you may be dealing with a very angry person.