While it's hard to find a specific book online, there are hundreds of well-stocked databases and virtual ebook stores where you can do your research to find a good read. Many e-book sellers provide applications and software that allow you to read their products on any available commercial device, not just an ebook reader. On niche databases or sharing groups you can also find ancient, rare or hard to find books.
Method 1 of 4: Finding Free Books Online

Step 1. Browse a collection of free books
There are many ads and advertisements for sites that promise to provide ebooks for free. However, there are very few that are reliable, durable and have a wide choice.
- The Gutenberg project possesses a wide range of texts, digitized by volunteers and free of copyright (for American law), since these rights have lapsed due to the author's death (more than 70 years ago). All books are free and available in text format for all types of computers, while many are also viewable on ebook readers. For the moment the Gutenberg project is not available in Italian.
- Google Books has a large and varied collection of texts, but not all of them are free. Those protected by copyright are only partially viewable (usually some pages), but a link is often added to purchase the full version.

Step 2. Find rare, historical or academic texts
If you are studying an academic subject or are interested in some historical project, then it will be easier to find the digital version of these books than the paper version. Check out these specialized and free collections:
- Use the HathiTrust website. This is in English, but has a wide range of texts in all languages, including Italian. Here you can find many academic books, some even free. Some, but not all, of the material is reserved for members of universities and other educational institutions.
- The Perseus Project is a large online library of Greek and Roman literature.
- The Library of Congress has an online collection of rare historical documents and a few other ancient texts that you could hardly get anywhere else.

Step 3. Search the databases for free ebooks
Companies that sell ebook readers often have their own digital library with some free texts. If you don't own one of these devices, you can download a free program that allows you to access the Kindle collection from a Windows or Mac computer. Alternatively, you can use non-proprietary databases such as FeedBooks by installing the Adobe Digital Editions program at no cost. At all the most popular mobile and tablet app stores there are applications for almost all ebook databases.

Step 4. Search for a specific book
If you are looking to track down a particular book that is not available in the above libraries, then an online search may help you find it on another website. Remember that the most recent texts are not available for free, although some publishers may offer you a discount on the digitized version, if you already have the paper version.
Be wary of any website whose reputation you do not know and whose reliability you do not know for sure. Read reviews from other site users before attempting to download any material and never enter your credit card number to download a "free" ebook
Method 2 of 4: Buy Books Online

Step 1. Buy an ebook from a well-known seller
The Amazon Kindle Store and that of Google Books are very rich, well structured and the downloaded material can be viewed on computers, tablets or smartphones, as well as on devices for reading digital texts. On these sites you can find the latest books very often and you run practically no risk of contracting computer viruses or identity theft.
If you are using a computer, you can also download a free program for viewing the ebook, often made available by the seller. Alternatively, you can search for books with a generic format. The texts in PDF can be read thanks to Acrobat Reader, while the files in. LIT, ePub and. Mobi can be consulted with Microsoft Reader

Step 2. Look for niche digital libraries and to find self-publishing texts
Independent ebook sellers provide many collections on specific subjects or by unknown authors. Before downloading any files from an unfamiliar site, read the reviews on the site to see if it is a safe source.
- You can do some research online to find these collections. Listed below are sites that, despite being in English, offer a wide variety of books. Smashwords, for example, mostly focuses on fiction.
- Safari offers a wide range of texts on programming and information technology.
- APress Alpha and Manning Early Access give you access to well-written ebooks on technology.

Step 3. Sign up for a paid service
These subscriptions give you access to a large online library by paying a periodic fee. Some even offer a one-month free trial period. In Italy this service is not yet widespread, it is easier to find a special section of the sites of the most famous bookstores where ebooks are offered. For information purposes we list some sites in English, where this type of purchase is active.
- Scribd offers unlimited access by paying the subscription fee.
- Entitle allows you to view two books every month by paying a monthly fee.
- Oyster is a more mobile-oriented subscription service with a wide range of new and independent authors.

Step 4. Visit the paper manual sites to find the digital version
A simple online search is enough to find some pages that allow you to download updated manuals, even if they often have to be paid for. Sometimes you can view some pages for free, while in other cases you can have access to the ebook version, at no additional cost, by purchasing the printed text.

Step 5. Consult the website of the publisher or the author to download the ebook
If you are looking for a specific book, search the personal website of the writer or publisher to find out if the digitized version is being advertised. Often ebooks are offered through these pages and the author could also make additional material or previews available completely free of charge.
Method 3 of 4: Access an eBook from a Mobile Device

Step 1. Download an additional ebook application
Many tablets, cell phones, and ebook readers come with a native application for viewing scanned books. However, to read texts from other sources, you need another kind of application. Search by the name of the online book seller or import the text in other formats. The Adobe Acrobat Reader application can be used to view any PDF document, regardless of where you downloaded or purchased it.

Step 2. Transfer the ebook from your computer
Computers are the fastest way to download files and have access to online libraries that may not work well on mobile devices. Fortunately, the latter (in most cases) are compatible and can be connected to the computer thanks to Bluetooth, iTunes, Dropbox synchronization or via email.
Some files, especially those purchased at an ebook store, may have DRM protection that prevents sharing across multiple devices

Step 3. Consider purchasing a specific player
Although mobile phones and tablets can be portable solutions for reading texts, specific readers are the easiest way to download books, consume the battery more efficiently and have monitors that allow easy reading even in daylight.. Remember that many of these players use DRM protection, so you won't be able to transfer the file to other devices.
Method 4 of 4: Use a File Sharing Method

Step 1. With this method you have to be cautious and apply all safety measures
File sharing websites allow the transfer of files between users without any supervision by a third party. While this method allows you to find texts that would not otherwise be available on the internet, be aware that it severely exposes your computer to viruses and malware that could slow it down or even steal your personal information. Sites that allow the sharing of copyrighted material are illegal in many countries.
- Set the security level of your operating system to maximum. If you use a Windows computer you can do it through the Control Panel while on a MacOs you have to operate through the Internet options in System Preferences.
- Launch security programs by setting them to the maximum level. Start the antivirus and firewall program setting them with the highest restriction.

Step 2. Download ebooks with BitTorrent
Remember that the range of books available on BitTorrent mostly reflects their popularity and not their literary or reference value. This method also requires some time and effort, since you have to learn how to use Torrents.
- Choose a BitTorrent client. To avoid infecting your computer with malware, you need to use a reliable source like BitTorrent.com.
- Search online by typing the words "ebook torrent tracker". These lists of links to ebook files change continuously and rapidly, so searching online is the best way to find them. Some directories require you to register and share files for a minimum amount of time before you can download any material. Public Torrents that don't require registration put your system at greater risk.

Step 3. Use Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
Many old or hard-to-find books, but also some recent ones, are available through the IRC channel, also called Internet Relay Chat. Once you have downloaded an IRC client, such as mIRC, you can use it to search and find chat channels dealing with "books" or "ebooks" and meet other users who share files and discuss your favorite topic.

Step 4. Purchase a Usenet service
It is a worldwide network of thousands of connected servers that works like a bulletin board and was originally developed as a secure and extremely fast chat. Currently, Usenet is used for file exchange, but requires a monthly fee for services such as UseNet Server or Newshosting. Many of these services also provide search tools and automatic conversion of downloaded files from the NZB format to readable ones, which is highly recommended if you are a new Usenet user.
- Use book sites and "book clubs" for advice on what to read.
- As you read on the monitor, take breaks periodically to rest your eyes and relax your muscles.
- Illegally downloading of ebooks covered by copyright is an illegal action, both in Italy and in many other countries. Those who support this right claim that downloading works in this way deprives the author of legitimate payment for his work.
- Be very careful when you find the digital version of a recent and famous book. Many times these are actually programs that contain viruses or malware that can severely damage your computer.
- Some books that you download with BitTorrent are 'tracked', which means that the copyright owner is able to trace your name and e-mail address and you could suffer legal repercussions. In the United States, for example, the law (especially the one called the “Digital Millennium Copyright Act”) is particularly strict and obliges the internet service provider to actively collaborate with the copyright owner to find who illegally disseminates his material. The risks from a legal point of view are really serious. Very famous publications are usually tracked.