How to Submit a Story to a Magazine: 7 Steps

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How to Submit a Story to a Magazine: 7 Steps
How to Submit a Story to a Magazine: 7 Steps

You have written a story and want to submit it to a magazine. Where to start?


Submit a Story to a Magazine Step 1
Submit a Story to a Magazine Step 1

Step 1. Purchase a copy of some literary magazine and view the material on sale at newsstands

In this way you will be able to find out which magazines specialize in publishing fiction.

Submit a Story to a Magazine Step 2
Submit a Story to a Magazine Step 2

Step 2. Identify which magazines are suitable for hosting your story

For example, if you write a fantasy story, look for magazines that are interested in such stories.

Submit a Story to a Magazine Step 3
Submit a Story to a Magazine Step 3

Step 3. Get a guide of the parameters to follow to publish in the journal you are interested in

Many publishers make it available online.

Submit a Story to a Magazine Step 4
Submit a Story to a Magazine Step 4

Step 4. Read the content of the magazine to see if it is a suitable venue for your story

Submit a Story to a Magazine Step 5
Submit a Story to a Magazine Step 5

Step 5. Format the manuscript following the guidelines indicated in the guide of the journal

Submit a Story to a Magazine Step 6
Submit a Story to a Magazine Step 6

Step 6. Submit the manuscript to the journal, accompanied by a cover letter

Submit a Story to a Magazine Step 7
Submit a Story to a Magazine Step 7

Step 7. Take note of the details regarding the presentation for future reference


  • By reading several copies of the magazine, you will avoid submitting your material to the wrong periodical.
  • For the cover letter, use Courier or Courier New fonts.
  • Always be professional in your correspondence.


  • Submit only the material it requests to the magazine. If you send a 5,000-word story to a magazine that only accepts 3,000-word lengths, it doesn't matter how good the story is - it will definitely be rejected.

    Pay attention to the publisher's name! Writing it wrong is a sign of bad manners

  • Avoid using flashy paper and fonts, as well as bright and decorative headings. What has to stand out is the story, not the paper.
