Sometimes, knowingly or involuntarily, we commit sins strictly forbidden by Islam; as a faithful of Allah, you feel guilty and seek repentance. Many think it is difficult to obtain forgiveness, forgetting that Allah is the most merciful. The term "Tawbah" refers to asking for forgiveness for sins committed. Read this article to find repentance.

Step 1. Understand your mistake
It is very important to realize when you turn away from Allah's guidance. You should analyze what led you to such conduct, how this behavior affects you, and what the consequences are. Keep an open mind, think clearly, and accept your mistakes. It is not about feeling bad about your behavior, but about understanding and accepting the bitter truth that you have committed a sin. Do not forget that Allah created and sustained the human being; all he asks in return is faith and obedience.

Step 2. Don't ask for forgiveness because you feel pressured by others
Many people may try to guide you, to tell you what is right or wrong, and if they know that you have committed a sin, they may suggest that you ask for forgiveness. However, the request would not lead to any results, unless you are not sincerely repentant; forgiveness is true if repentance comes from your heart and not from someone else's invitations.

Step 3. You decide never to repeat the mistake again
If you want to repent, you cannot ask for forgiveness and still behave in the same way; Not you should do it, but instead make sure it never happens again. You can't have doubts and think you could; you have to be sure not to fall back into the same sin. Do not let the shadow of uncertainty spoil your desire for forgiveness, otherwise the prayer will not be accepted and you will get punishments instead; remember that a small repeated sin turns into an important lack.

Step 4. Follow the three criteria to determine the effectiveness of your "Tawbah"
The request for forgiveness follows these three phases:
- Recognize your mistakes and sins.
- Feeling ashamed for betraying Allah's trust.
- Promise never to make the same mistake again.

Step 5. Be aware if someone else has been affected by your gesture
You need to know if your actions have hurt others and ask for their forgiveness as well.
- If the sin has violated another person's rights, such as money or property, you must restore those rights.
- If the mistake has slandered another individual, ask for forgiveness with all your heart.

Step 6. Know that Allah is the most merciful and is naturally willing to forgive
That said, he can also impart severe punishment on certain occasions and you shouldn't take his forgiveness for granted. Going through the period of repentance without committing to God does nothing good; have faith and pray to make things right. Remember the words of Allah found in the Quran:
"Verily Allah loves those who repent and those who purify themselves" (Surah Al Baqarah, 2: 222)

Step 7. Trust the power of the "Tawbah"
This prayer has many merits that are worth pointing out.
- It leads to success.
- Protects from adversity and problems.
- Helps to purify the conscience.
- It is pleasing to Allah.
- It is a process of transformation.
- It makes the duʿāʾ (supplications) more "worthy" of an answer.
- Sincere Tawbah leads to the forgiveness of sins.

Step 8. Practice ṣalāt
Pray to Allah with the utmost sincerity and reverence. Practice the five obligatory ṣalāt and, if possible, try to do it in a mosque; the tranquility and the concentration of this place are helpful to you. Do not hesitate to perform additional Sunnas (recommended) and rakat nafl (volunteers); all of this works largely in your favor, especially if you pray constantly.

Step 9. Ask for forgiveness after ṣalāt (prayers)
In the Koran we read: "Pray at the end of the day and during the first hours of the night" (Hud 11: 114). This verse states that Allah loves people who pray at the right time, with correct attitude and devotion.

Step 10. Ask for forgiveness day and night
Seeking forgiveness may be a long tiring journey, but it is your only hope. Know that perhaps you will not be forgiven in a day or even after saying just a prayer or two; it's a slow improvement process that starts with you.
The Prophet (PBSL) said, "Allah, the Most High, keeps reaching out His hand at night so that the sinners of the day may repent and keeps extending His hand in the day, so that the sinners of the night may repent, until the sun rises from the west (the beginning of the day of judgment) "(Sahih Muslim)

Step 11. Use the different names of Allah to praise His kindness and mercy
The most suitable in this case are: Al-’Afuww (the one who absolves), Al-Ghafoor (the one who forgives) and Al-Ghaffaar (the one who often forgives).
"The most beautiful names belong to Allah: invoke him with them" (Al-A'raaf, 7: 180)

Step 12. Fast during the month of Ramadan
This is the most important time for any Muslim to demonstrate devotion to Allah; it is also considered the month of forgiveness. Immerse yourself deeply in sincerity and devotion.
Read this article for more advice

Step 13. Remember that good works help blot out sins
Strive to behave in the right way, that which Allah likes, and stay away from forbidden actions.
The Prophet (PBSL) said: "The five daily prayers, Jumuʿa and Ramadan act as an atonement for everything that happens in between moments of prayer and prevent serious sins from being committed" (Sahih Muslim)

Step 14. Do charity (Zakat)
It is a gentle way to cleanse yourself of sins because it not only makes you feel lighter, but it improves someone else's day.

Step 15. Do the Hajj (pilgrimage)
It is the best way to earn forgiveness; it is said that all sins are blotted out when one goes on pilgrimage for the first time.
Read this article for more detailed instructions

Step 16. Practice self-control to avoid this kind of situation in the future
At times, you may be tempted to break the commandments, but remember that Allah is the "Most Merciful" and has promised a reward to those who are patient and refrain from negative behavior.

Step 17. Don't overlook the "little things" that may support your request for forgiveness
- Answer the call to the Adhan. The Prophet (PBSL) said: "Who, after hearing the call to Adhan, utters the words: I declare that no one else is to be worshiped but Allah, the only God, and that Muhammad is His slave and messenger. I accept Allah as lord, Muhammad as his messenger and Islam as religion will be forgiven of all its previous sins "(Sahih Muslim).
- Say the word "Ameen". The Prophet (PBSL) said: "When the Imaam says Ameen, say so too, because it coincides with the moment when all the angels pronounce it and all previous sins are forgiven" (Al-Bukhaari and Muslim).
- Surround yourself with people or get together with people who respect Allah. It is very important to stay safe from bad company and individuals who distract you from the holy path of Islam.
- By following Islamic clothing guidelines you can remind yourself of Allah and that you owe him complete obedience.
- Carefully perform two rakaat during ṣalāt to support your path to forgiveness. The Prophet (PBSL) said, "Whoever performs the ablutions correctly and performs any two rakat without distraction, will be forgiven of all his previous sins" (Ahmad).

Step 18. Rely on the duʿāʾs to seek forgiveness
Many have already been mentioned above, but there are many more you can do for your purpose.
- "O our Lord, we have failed against ourselves. If you do not forgive us and have no mercy on us, we will certainly be among the losers" (Al-A’raf, 7:23).
- "[…] And Allah welcomed his repentance. Verily He is the One who accepts repentance, the Merciful" (Al-Baqara, 2:37).
- Act constantly Astaghfirullah. Say it three times after each ṣalāt and at least 100 times a day. This word means "I seek Allah's forgiveness".
- Recite SubhanAllah wa bihamdihi 100 times a day and all your sins will be forgiven, even if they are as numerous as the foam of the sea (Bukhari).
- Be polite to everyone.
- Perform ṣalāt and read the Quran regularly.
- Try to distance yourself from people who prove to be an obstacle in your intent to follow the most merciful commandments of Allah; avoid bad company.
- Drop your ego and apologize. There is nothing good in being extremely proud if this behavior leads to jahannam or hell.
- Do not commit serious sins that cannot be forgiven.
- Think before you say something.
- Never break the commandments of Allah.
- Never ask for forgiveness with little conviction, it is likely that your prayers will not be accepted.
- Don't keep making the same mistake, this behavior proves you don't deserve forgiveness.