The secrets to having soft and plump lips with a natural look. To get lips like Angelina Jolie's. Read the tips outlined in this article and most importantly,

Step 1. Exfoliate your lips with a warm, moist sponge by gently rubbing it from side to side or using a lip exfoliator
Be careful not to overdo it to avoid irritation and to make sure you don't burn yourself.

Step 2. Apply a good plumping conditioner
- Check the ingredients before buying it. Many contain cinnamon or chilli, which could cause the lips to swell, while others are based on ephedrine, which can cause severe allergic reactions.
- Apply it as if it were a lipstick or gloss. Make sure you only put it on your lips.
- Remove it before applying lipstick, gloss or lip balm. You won't want to get kissed by your boyfriend while you're wearing plumper!
- Cayenne pepper and salt are a natural alternative, although they could irritate and dry out the lips. Apply a very small amount of powder on the lips and add a touch of gloss. The cayenne will plump and color the lips because it will increase blood circulation (the lip plumpers do the same) and the gloss will give brightness and hydration.

Step 3. Outline and fill in your lips with a slightly lighter pencil than your skin tone
Emphasizing a feature by using a lighter color is a trick that is also used for clothing.
- Remove the cap and make sure the pencil is sharpened.
- Start outlining from cupid's bow.
- Follow the contour of the lips.
- Also color the inside of the lips and use your finger or a makeup sponge to spread the color well. The result must be natural.
- Apply your favorite lipstick, gloss or lip balm. Remember that transparent and luminous products create the optical illusion of fuller lips.
- The lipstick will last longer if you add a touch of baby powder with a lip brush.
- If you don't like the matte look, add a touch of gloss.
- A makeup artist's makeup. Outline the lip contour with a pencil two tones darker than the lipstick and draw a vertical line in the middle of the upper lip. Blend the color of the pencil with that of the lipstick to avoid creating unsightly detachments. You will need to practice before you get good results. Study the photos of celebrities who have lips you like and try to copy them.
- On the market, you will find ginger and cinnamon-based glosses that will give you an immediate plumping effect. However, they could also cause an allergic reaction, so avoid licking your lips.
- Use a lip balm that contains natural ingredients. Avoid the Labello and prefer brands like I Provenzali and Equilibra.
- Typically, lip plumpers don't last long on the lips. For long-term results, opt for a plumping peptide, which stimulates the production of collagen. However, read the ingredients carefully before buying it. Many products don't do what they promise.
- Consistently use glosses that contain mint or cinnamon.
- If you already have plump lips, don't use the lip plumper.
- Another way to get fuller lips is to use a dark pencil, which is applied to the corners of the mouth. Spread the color evenly with your finger.
- If you highlight your eyes when you put on make-up, leave your lips natural and vice versa: you don't want to look like a clown!
- The shape of the lips, in general, adapts to the features of the face. Try to keep the proportions intact.
- Before buying a product, read online reviews.
- In any case, it is better to have character and dress in an original way than trying to copy your favorite star at all costs. Getting inspired is fun but losing sight of yourself is never good.
- If a lip plumper irritates you, avoid it and try a different brand.
- It is currently fashionable to have full lips. In the future, who knows, the trend may change in favor of thin lips!
- The beauty of a face does not depend only on the fullness of the lips.
- Be yourself. Improving your appearance to feel more attractive is positive but it must not become an obsession.