4 Ways to Catch Double Ends Yourself

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4 Ways to Catch Double Ends Yourself
4 Ways to Catch Double Ends Yourself

Split ends make hair look dry and damaged, but luckily they can be easily removed in several ways. It only takes a few minutes and a sharp pair of scissors to get your hair back looking healthy and attractive. To avoid sacrificing hair length, you can twist or straighten individual strands to bring out the damaged parts. If, on the other hand, all the tips are dry and worn, it is better to shorten them by a few centimeters. You can learn how to tick them yourself by following the simple tips in the article.


Method 1 of 4: Twist the Hair

Step 1. Separate a 3 cm wide section of hair after brushing

It is important that the hair is dry to be able to identify split ends more easily. Grab the lock in one hand and comb it to make sure there are no knots.

  • If you have very thin hair, you can part a wider section of hair. On the other hand, if they are thick and frizzy, it is likely that it is better to divide them into thinner sections.
  • In order not to get confused, it is best to start on one side of the face and proceed in order to the opposite one.

Step 2. Twist the section tightly around itself to bring out the split ends

Start at the roots and work carefully to the tips. Continue until the strand is tightly twisted. By then you should be able to see the ends of some hair sticking out from the sides of the lock.

Step 3. Trim the tips that protrude from the twisted strand

Upon closer inspection, you will likely find that many are worn and forked. Use a pair of professional hairdressing scissors to remove the last half inch from each of that hair so it looks healthy again.

  • Start at the top of the strand and work neatly downwards. In this way you will not risk that some double ends can escape you.
  • If you have short hair and are having a hard time wearing it in front of your face to spot split ends, go to a mirror to see them reflected.
  • Keep in mind that this way the hair will be cut to different lengths.

Step 4. If you want, you can try twisting the section in the opposite direction again

If you want to make sure you can get rid of all the split ends, unroll the section of hair and twist it in the opposite direction. At that point it is likely that split ends have become visible that had previously remained hidden. Take the scissors again to cut the frayed and forked tips.

If you twisted the lock clockwise the first time, roll it counterclockwise the second and vice versa

Trim Your Own Split Ends Step 17
Trim Your Own Split Ends Step 17

Step 5. Separate a new section of hair and repeat the process from the beginning

Isolate a small section of hair next to the ones you just removed the split ends from, then twist it back on itself as you did before. Repeat the operations by twisting and cutting away the worn and forked ends that emerge from the lock. Remember that it is best to use a pair of professional hairdressing scissors to get a clean and precise cut. When done, select a new strand and continue doing this until you reach the opposite side of the head.

Gather the hair from which you have already eliminated split ends using a hair clip or elastic to avoid confusion

Method 2 of 4: Slide the Hair between the Fingers

Step 1. Straighten your hair with a blow dryer or straightener

To use this method, they must be straight and dry, so if you don't have straight hair by nature, you will need to straighten it with a hairdryer or flat iron to be able to identify split ends more easily. If you have straight hair, just make sure it's dry and free of knots.

  • If you have wavy hair, it is likely that it will be sufficient to straighten it with a hairdryer; if they are curly, it is better to use the straightener too.
  • If you need to use the straightener, apply a heat protection serum before starting to avoid aggravating the problem of split ends.

Step 2. Separate a 3 cm wide section of hair after brushing

This measurement is only a suggestion. If you have very thin hair, you can part a wider section of hair. If, on the other hand, they are thick and frizzy, it is likely that it is better to divide them into thinner strands.

If necessary, comb or brush the section again after separating it from the rest of the hair

Step 3. Grab the hair at the root with your fingers

Place your index finger over the strand, the middle finger under the strand and the ring finger again above, to grip the hair firmly. Looking in the mirror you should see that the lock passes over the middle finger while the other two fingers are fully visible.

Try to bring the three fingers as close as possible to the roots so that they can run over the entire length of the strand

Trim Your Own Split Ends Step 9
Trim Your Own Split Ends Step 9

Step 4. Look for split ends protruding from the section of the strand that you hold pinched between your fingers

Grabbing it this way you should be able to see the split ends sticking out of the visible section of hair on the middle finger. Watch carefully for worn, forked tips that need to be trimmed.

  • If you have a layered cut, you will need to sharpen your eyes even more to make sure that what you are about to cut is a double end and not just a hair cut shorter than the others.
  • If you have short hair and are having a hard time wearing it in front of your face to spot split ends, go to a mirror to see them reflected.

Step 5. Trim the split ends you spot as you run your fingers along the hair

Keep the scissors so that they are perpendicular to the strand, making it easier to cut the frayed, forked ends that protrude upwards. Run your fingers along the strand slowly, removing split ends with scissors as you go.

In most cases it will be sufficient to remove the last 3-4 mm to free the hair from split ends

Step 6. Separate a new section of hair and repeat the same steps

Isolate a small section of hair next to the ones you just removed split ends from, then position your fingers in the same way and start cutting away the split ends that protrude from the section of the strand resting on your middle finger. Continue in this way strand by strand until you've got rid of the frayed, forked ends from all of your hair. At the end you will have a healthy hair without having given up on long hair.

Gather the hair from which you have already eliminated split ends using a hair clip or elastic to avoid confusion

Method 3 of 4: Trim the Hair

Step 1. Brush damp hair to remove knots

Use a brush with natural bristles or alternatively a metal comb. To eliminate split ends with this method, it is preferable that straight hair is damp, while if it is curly or wavy it is an indispensable condition because once brushed it will be straighter.

  • They don't need to be completely wet, they just need to be moist.
  • Put the brush or comb under water before using it on your hair to be able to moisten it evenly.
  • If you have very curly or frizzy hair, it is best to straighten it with a blow dryer or straightener and cut it dry.

Step 2. Separate a section of hair using a small comb

After you've brushed them all, separate a section about 3cm wide. In order not to get confused, it is best to start on one side of the face and proceed in order to the opposite one.

Step 3. Slide the section between your index and middle fingers

Start near the roots, pinching the hair between the index and middle fingers tightly.

If you prefer, you can use two different fingers. The important thing is to be able to pull the hair evenly

Step 4. Run your fingers from the roots to the tips

With this movement they will keep them smooth, giving you the opportunity to clearly see what condition the tips are in. Stop 2-3 cm away from the end of the hair.

As you run your fingers along the lock, try to pull it away from your neck and bring it in front of your face to be able to see the tips up close. In this way the cut will be easier and more precise

Step 5. Trim an inch or two away to get rid of split ends

The cut must be perpendicular to the lock so that at the end the hair is all the same length. If the tips are extremely damaged, you may need to cut more than two centimeters.

Start by removing only the last inch and then check the ends of the hair again. You can always style them again if it seems necessary

Trim Your Own Split Ends Step 6
Trim Your Own Split Ends Step 6

Step 6. Move on to the next section and repeat the same operations

Isolate a new section about 3 cm wide, then remove the tips by making a cut perpendicular to the hair as you did previously. Use the section you have already clipped as a guide to shorten your hair to the right length. Keep trimming your hair strand by strand, making sure to cut them evenly.

  • If possible, get someone to help you trim the hair at the nape of the neck.
  • Gather the hair that you have already cut using a hair clip or elastic to avoid confusion.

Method 4 of 4: Preventing Double Tips

Trim Your Own Split Ends Step 18
Trim Your Own Split Ends Step 18

Step 1. Use conditioner correctly and frequently

After shampooing, don't forget to moisturize and nourish your hair with conditioner. Spend a couple of minutes massaging it into the lengths and ends. Hair can get damaged for a variety of reasons, but the most common cause is a lack of hydration.

Use conditioner every time you wash them to keep them beautiful and healthy. On days you don't shampoo, you can apply a leave-in conditioner to keep them soft and disciplined

Trim Your Own Split Ends Step 19
Trim Your Own Split Ends Step 19

Step 2. Apply a hair mask once a week

Restore strength and shine to dull or damaged hair by performing a beauty treatment at least every seven days or so. Hair masks are intended to deeply hydrate and protect them. Compared to normal conditioners, they keep the hair nourished and beautiful for longer because they help it retain a greater amount of moisture.

Trim Your Own Split Ends Step 20
Trim Your Own Split Ends Step 20

Step 3. Limit the use of heat to style them

Even if you are in the habit of using a heat protection serum, the straightener and curler put intense stress on your hair. There is nothing wrong with using them every now and then, but in everyday life it is better to respect their smooth or curly nature to prevent them from spoiling and forming split ends.

  • If you need to blow dry them, use warm air to reduce heat damage.
  • In any case, don't forget to apply a heat protection product first.

Step 4. Remove knots with a wide toothed comb

With a little patience you will be able to untangle them without risking tearing, breaking or fraying them. Especially when they are wet, it is important to avoid using the brush and opt for a wide-toothed comb, as they are more fragile and therefore can be damaged more easily and split ends could form.

Step 5. Use a soft rubber band when gathering your hair

Sometimes an elastic that is too tight or made of a rough material is enough to damage the hair and cause split ends. When gathering your hair, use flexible rubber bands to keep it from pulling too hard and avoid damaging it.

If you can't find an accessory that suits you, you can buy a piece of elastic from haberdashery and make it yourself

Trim Your Own Split Ends Step 23
Trim Your Own Split Ends Step 23

Step 6. Go to the hairdresser to trim your hair every two to three months

Over time, the forked part will increase in height and you will need to cut a longer piece of it to get healthy looking hair back. Trimming your hair every 8-12 weeks will reduce the chances of it getting damaged.

If you dye your hair regularly, it is even more important to get it checked out at the hairdresser with the right frequency


  • Invest in a pair of professional hairdressing scissors if you intend to get rid of split ends or cut your hair yourself. Using dull scissors will risk damaging the tips further.
  • If you have dark hair, use a light background to identify split ends or vice versa.
