How to Draw a Self Portrait: 8 Steps

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How to Draw a Self Portrait: 8 Steps
How to Draw a Self Portrait: 8 Steps

Do you want to take a self-portrait? It takes time and practice, but the result will pay off for the effort.


Draw a Self Portrait Step 1
Draw a Self Portrait Step 1

Step 1. Take a photo against a white wall that highlights your features, or use a cloth

It would be better if you had someone take lots of pictures to capture different expressions.

Draw a Self Portrait Step 2
Draw a Self Portrait Step 2

Step 2. Get a fairly large drawing pad and the drawing tool of your choice, such as a pencil, charcoal, or ink

Draw a Self Portrait Step 3
Draw a Self Portrait Step 3

Step 3. Draw the shape of your face, hair, eyes and nose with light strokes

The eyes should be about halfway up the head.

Draw a Self Portrait Step 4
Draw a Self Portrait Step 4

Step 4. Add the shadows and, with your fingers or a special tool, blend them, then erase with the eraser where needed; this will make the drawing look more realistic

Draw a Self Portrait Step 5
Draw a Self Portrait Step 5

Step 5. For the hair, just draw 'thick lines' and then add shadows, highlights, etc

Draw a Self Portrait Step 6
Draw a Self Portrait Step 6

Step 6. Continue adding and removing shadows and lines until you are satisfied

Draw a Self Portrait Step 7
Draw a Self Portrait Step 7

Step 7. Erase the pencil smudges around the drawing to make it look like a professional work, find a suitable frame and frame it

Draw a Self Portrait Step 8
Draw a Self Portrait Step 8

Step 8. Hang it up if you want


  • Purchase a drawing / sketching manual and read it, practicing to understand how shading and outlines work.
  • Scan it and store it on your hard drive / USB stick, so you can have a copy in case the original is destroyed.
