4 Ways to Eat a Pop Tart

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4 Ways to Eat a Pop Tart
4 Ways to Eat a Pop Tart

Pop-Tarts can be eaten in a variety of ways. Some like to eat them straight out of the box, while others prefer to toast them. However, many are unaware that there are other ways to serve them. They are in fact excellent for garnishing an ice cream, but also for preparing s'mores, ice cream sandwiches or smoothies!


Ice Cream Sandwich with Pop-Tarts

  • 4 Pop-Tarts
  • 1 cup (150 g) of softened ice cream
  • Mini chocolate chips or sprinkles (optional, for garnish)

Makes 4 sandwiches

Cookies and Cream Smoothie

  • 2 Iced Cookies & Cream Pop-Tarts
  • 2 cups (300g) of softened vanilla ice cream
  • ½ cup (120 ml) of milk
  • ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract

Doses for 2 servings


Method 1 of 4: Reheat and Eat a Pop Tart

Eat a Pop Tart Step 1
Eat a Pop Tart Step 1

Step 1. If you prefer to eat Pop-Tarts the traditional way, reheat them in the toaster

Remove the Pop-Tart from the foil wrapper and slide it into the toaster vertically. Heat it to low for one roasting cycle. Let it cool for a few seconds before eating it.

This method can also be adapted to electric ovens

Step 2. Reheat a Pop-Tart in the microwave if you don't have a toaster or electric oven

Remove it from the wrapper and place it on a microwave-safe plate. Heat it to full power for 3 seconds. Let it cool for a few seconds before eating it.

Eat a Pop Tart Step 3
Eat a Pop Tart Step 3

Step 3. Eat the Pop-Tart straight from the package if you are short on time

Many people prefer to eat Pop-Tarts at room temperature, as they are just as tasty. Being already cooked, it is possible to eat them even without heating them.

Eat a Pop Tart Step 4
Eat a Pop Tart Step 4

Step 4. Try them frozen if you are craving a fresh and delicious dessert

Many Pop-Tarts flavors, such as Cookies & Creme, Hot Fudge Sundae and Frosted Chocolate Chip, are delicious cold. Just leave the entire pack in the freezer overnight and eat them the next morning.

Method 2 of 4: Try Creative Recipes

Eat a Pop Tart Step 5
Eat a Pop Tart Step 5

Step 1. Use Pop-Tarts to garnish ice cream

Take a Pop-Tart of your favorite flavor and cut it into small pieces or crumble, so you can use it to garnish an ice cream. The pieces should be small in size, just under a morsel. It is not necessary to reheat the Pop-Tarts for this recipe.

Step 2. Create cute shapes with Pop-Tarts using cookie cutters

To start, lightly grease cookie tins with a pat of butter or a splash of cooking spray. Choose the Pop-Tarts you prefer and cut them with molds to obtain the desired shape. Try to place the mold in the center, where the filling is. It is not necessary to warm them up before the procedure.

  • Use the molds to garnish the ice cream.
  • Eat the rest of the Pop-Tart, or crumble it up and use it to garnish a dessert.
Eat a Pop Tart Step 7
Eat a Pop Tart Step 7

Step 3. Make a Pop-Tarts parfait

Crumble some strawberry pop tarts, then lay them in a parfait bowl with sliced strawberries and whipped cream. Garnish the dessert with a knob of whipped cream and a handful of finely crumbled Pop-Tarts.

Step 4. Use Pop-Tarts instead of digestive biscuits to make s'mores

Cut a Pop-Tart in half, then place a piece of chocolate on one of the non-frosted sides. Place a toasted marshmallow on top of the chocolate and cover it with the other half of the Pop-Tart.

  • It is not necessary to toast the Pop-Tart, but this can help melt the chocolate earlier.
  • To make the dessert even more appetizing, heat the whole s'more in the microwave for about 3 seconds.
  • You can use S'mores-flavored Pop-Tarts for this recipe, but the Peanut Butter-flavored ones are also great.

Method 3 of 4: Make an Ice Cream Sandwich with Pop Tarts

Eat a Pop Tart Step 9
Eat a Pop Tart Step 9

Step 1. Place 2 Pop-Tarts on a cutting board with the frosted side facing down

Set the other 2 aside for the moment. You can use any flavor for this recipe, but the most suitable are the following: Cookies & Creme, Frosted Chocolate Chip and Hot Fudge Sundae.

Step 2. Spread ½ cup (70g) of ice cream on each Pop-Tart

You can use any type of flavor, but the best are Cookies and Cream, Cookie Dough, or vanilla. Take the ice cream with a portioner and spread it on the Pop-Tart with the help of a rubber spatula or a knife. Make sure you spread it evenly from one end to the other.

Step 3. Place the other 2 Pop-Tarts on top with the frosted side facing up and press them lightly

Make sure you line up the edges. Press lightly on the surface of the sandwich to make sure that the ice cream is distributed all the way to the ends. If the ice cream should come out from the edges, smooth it with a knife or spatula.

Step 4. Cut the sandwiches in the center

If necessary, make a saw-like motion to cut the rind of the Pop-Tarts. This way you will get 4 small ice cream sandwiches.

Eat a Pop Tart Step 13
Eat a Pop Tart Step 13

Step 5. If desired, dip the sides of the sandwiches in a bowl filled with chocolate chips or sprinkles

Fill a bowl with mini chocolate chips or sprinkles. Take an ice cream sandwich and dip each of the 4 edges into it. The chocolate chips or sprinkles will adhere to the ice cream and make the sandwich more crunchy.

Eat a Pop Tart Step 14
Eat a Pop Tart Step 14

Step 6. Wrap the sandwiches and freeze them for at least 2 hours

Wrap each sandwich carefully in cling film and place them in the freezer. In this way the ice cream will solidify again and the sandwiches will become very compact.

Method 4 of 4: Make a Cookies and Cream Smoothie

Step 1. Pour the milk into the blender jar, then add the ice cream and vanilla extract

Since this is a particularly substantial dessert, it is good to choose semi-skimmed or skimmed milk. Use whole or 2% fat instead if you don't mind getting a richer smoothie.

Step 2. Put the lid on the jug and blend the ingredients until you get a smooth drink

Pause the blender from time to time and scoop up the lumps from the sides of the jug using a spatula. This will ensure you mix everything evenly.

Step 3. Crumble the Pop-Tarts or cut them into small pieces and set aside

You can choose the flavor you want. For example, if you use Strawberry Pop-Tarts, the smoothie will taste like a strawberry and cream pie.

Step 4. Add the crumbled Pop-Tarts and blend for a few more seconds

The crumbled Pop-Tarts should be mixed lightly with the other ingredients: small lumps should remain.

Eat a Pop Tart Step 19
Eat a Pop Tart Step 19

Step 5. Pour the smoothie into 2 tall glasses and garnish with a triangle made from a Pop-Tart

Help yourself with a spatula to pour the drink into the glasses. Serve it immediately.


  • The icing does not melt when the Pop-Tarts are reheated in the toaster or microwave.
  • Pop-Tarts are usually eaten with the hands, as if they were a sandwich. However, you can also use a fork and knife to add a sophisticated touch.
  • Pop-Tarts are available in a variety of flavors, some seasonal, others limited edition.
