How To Lose Weight Naturally: 15 Steps

How To Lose Weight Naturally: 15 Steps
How To Lose Weight Naturally: 15 Steps

Table of contents:


Losing weight naturally is a safe and healthy way to lose weight. Usually you need to make small changes to your diet, training and lifestyle. Furthermore, when you implement small variations in daily life (necessary to lose weight naturally) you have a better chance of maintaining them even in the long term. A combination of these factors can help you lose weight safely and healthily.


Part 1 of 3: Follow the Proper Eating Habits

Lose Weight Naturally Step 1
Lose Weight Naturally Step 1

Step 1. Make a meal plan

When you're trying to change your diet and want to eat healthier, setting up a meal plan can help.

  • With a meal plan, you are generally less tempted to go for a bite to eat at fast food restaurants or go to somewhere where there aren't very healthy options.
  • Write down what to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and even a snack for each week. Also note if you need to set aside a day to prepare meals in advance, to make daily operations quicker.
  • For breakfast, you might think of half a grapefruit with a cup of oatmeal or a scrambled egg with sautéed veggies and low-fat cheese.
  • For lunch, you could choose a large salad with lettuce, spinach, beetroot, carrots, a handful of walnuts, half an avocado and black beans or chickpeas. You can also add a sprinkle of balsamic vinegar.
  • For dinner you can eat grilled salmon (with a little dill and lemon), a portion of brown rice and grilled zucchini.
  • If you also want to snack on, opt for protein snacks and a fruit or vegetable. You can eat a hard-boiled egg and an apple or Greek yogurt with chopped blueberries and flax seeds.
Lose Weight Naturally Step 2
Lose Weight Naturally Step 2

Step 2. Measure the portions

It is not always easy, nor does it seem natural, to follow a diet plan by calculating calories, reducing certain food groups and limiting carbohydrates. To start losing weight, the simplest and most natural thing is to eat all categories of foods and pay attention to the portions.

  • Just weighing and tracking portions is a genuine way to cut down on some calories, which will help you lose weight.
  • Get a food scale or cups and graduated spoons to respect the doses. You can also measure the cups, bowls, or containers you have around the house to know how much food they can hold.
Lose Weight Naturally Step 3
Lose Weight Naturally Step 3

Step 3. Eat a balanced diet

It is essential to eat the correct foods if you want to lose weight and be able to maintain the goal achieved over time.

  • Eating a balanced diet means consuming the adequate amount of each nutrient the body needs to function.
  • You must eat the recommended portions of each food class to ensure daily nutritional needs, and measuring doses can also help in this regard.
  • In addition to consuming foods from all food groups, you should make sure that you vary greatly in foods, even if they belong to the same group. For example, each vegetable offers a different range of healthy vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Lose Weight Naturally Step 4
Lose Weight Naturally Step 4

Step 4. Eat 85-110g of protein with each meal

Protein is a great nutrient and helps you feel full, thus facilitating weight loss with less effort.

  • If you can stick to this protein dosage at every meal, you can better control your calorie intake.
  • To achieve your goal, you must also choose the leanest meat. When you can, opt for fish, lean beef, poultry, eggs, low-fat dairy, and all kinds of seeds and nuts.
  • Include a serving of protein with each meal or snack to meet your daily requirement for this nutrient.
Lose Weight Naturally Step 5
Lose Weight Naturally Step 5

Step 5. Aim to eat at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables

These foods offer many necessary nutrients with very few calories.

  • While both of these types of foods are low in calories, it is still important to measure their doses. One serving is equivalent to one small fruit, half a cup of chopped fruit, or 20-40g of salad leaves.
  • Since you should be eating large amounts of fruits and vegetables every day, it may be easier to stick to this schedule by incorporating them with every meal and snack.
Lose Weight Naturally Step 6
Lose Weight Naturally Step 6

Step 6. Eat whole grains

A great variety of foods fall into this category. By opting for 100% whole grains you can add fiber, protein and other essential nutrients to your diet.

  • Whole grains contain the germ, endosperm and bran. Among these are: rice and whole wheat, millet, quinoa and whole oats.
  • A portion of these foods corresponds to approximately 30 g. Whenever possible, you should always choose the whole version of at least half of your foods.
  • Aim to eat 1-3 servings of cereal a day. This way you promote weight loss.
Lose Weight Naturally Step 7
Lose Weight Naturally Step 7

Step 7. Allow yourself some "concessions" in moderation

Don't start obsessing over calorie counting and don't punish yourself by completely giving up on treats or some high-fat food. Instead, try to eat them in smaller quantities and less frequently.

  • Losing weight naturally means never depriving yourself of certain foods and not having to completely avoid them. You may choose to eat a small amount once or twice a week or even just a few times a month.
  • If you eat a meal high in fat or sugar (for example if you eat at a restaurant or go to a fast food restaurant), compensate for it by eating lean, low-sugar meals in the following days or work out at the gym with a little more exercise. tiring.
Lose Weight Naturally Step 8
Lose Weight Naturally Step 8

Step 8. Drink water

Staying well hydrated offers many benefits when trying to lose weight. It also helps keep the body healthy in general.

  • It is recommended that you drink 8-13 glasses of water a day to lose weight and feel more energetic.
  • Choose sugar-free and caffeine-free drinks as much as possible. You should opt for water, even flavored water, decaffeinated coffee or tea.
  • Avoid drinks with added sugar (like cola-based or sports drinks), those that contain caffeine (like energy drinks or espresso), and fruit juices.

Part 2 of 3: Practice Proper Habits to Lose Weight

Lose Weight Naturally Step 9
Lose Weight Naturally Step 9

Step 1. Make changes slowly

If you try to make drastic and sudden changes, you can overwhelm the body and you will have big problems meeting your commitment in the long run. Losing weight naturally and then being able to maintain the weight achieved means making changes to the lifestyle as a whole.

  • Start with small variations. Add 15 minutes of physical activity to your daily routine or start putting olive oil instead of butter in the dishes you cook.
  • Begin to change the way you view food to no longer consider it a source of comfort (such as when you are angry, bored or agitated). You have to start thinking of it as something you put into your body to give yourself energy, so you have to make sure it is the best "fuel" possible; such an approach should lead you to choose the healthiest options.
Lose Weight Naturally Step 10
Lose Weight Naturally Step 10

Step 2. Set achievable goals

Once you've made the decision to lose weight, you need to set goals that are realistic and achievable.

  • This way it is easier to take the initiative and begin to appreciate results.
  • In a natural weight loss process, you can usually expect to lose around 0.5-1 kg per week.
  • Track the various milestones, so over time you can realize the improvements you make.
Lose Weight Naturally Step 11
Lose Weight Naturally Step 11

Step 3. Exercise regularly

You should set up a regular exercise routine to complement your weight loss plan and improve overall health.

  • Commit to doing about 150 minutes of cardiovascular exercise each week and 2 days of strength training.
  • You should also increase daily or basic activities. Even simple things, like walking to the grocery store or taking a 15-minute break from work for a walk, can help achieve your goal and keep you healthy.
  • Exercise improves mood because it allows the body to release endorphins, making you feel happier, healthier and more confident about yourself; all factors that can help you improve your relationship with food.
  • Find activities that you enjoy so that you are excited about doing them rather than dreading them. Practice yoga, take a dance class, go for a run in the most beautiful neighborhood in the city or country. Do not think that it is a punishment, rather think about the benefits that your body can derive from it and how much it benefits your health!
  • Find a training partner. It is much more fun and easier to keep up with your physical activity if you do it with someone who can help you track your progress and interact with.
Lose Weight Naturally Step 12
Lose Weight Naturally Step 12

Step 4. Get enough sleep

If you don't get enough sleep, you put your mental and physical health in precarious conditions, make the weight loss process more complex and you will have more difficulty maintaining the weight you have reached.

  • In addition, it has been found that in individuals who do not get enough sleep, the production of ghrelin, a hormone that causes you to feel hungrier the next day, increases.
  • You should get around 8 hours of sleep per night if you are an adult (teenagers should get some more sleep).
  • Turn off all electronic devices at least half an hour before going to bed. Which includes computer, iPod, cellphone, and so on. The light emitted by these devices disturbs the circadian rhythm, slowing the biological clock and making it more difficult to sleep properly.

Part 3 of 3: Avoiding the Common Weight Loss Mistakes

Lose Weight Naturally Step 13
Lose Weight Naturally Step 13

Step 1. Avoid lightning diets

You can find literally hundreds of diets and weight loss programs on the market that promise to make you lose weight quickly. However, these are neither safe nor healthy solutions and you are unlikely to get positive results in the long term.

  • Losing weight naturally is the best way to stay healthy in general and to maintain your weight for a long time.
  • Remember that there is no magic solution that can take off the excess pounds and prevent them from returning once the diet is over. True, healthy weight loss requires lifestyle changes and hard work.
  • This does not mean that there is no valid advice to be taken in certain weight loss programs. Many of these emphasize the importance of healthy eating and physical activity, but not many actually speak of even lasting changes in lifestyle.
Lose Weight Naturally Step 14
Lose Weight Naturally Step 14

Step 2. Ignore defined diet foods

Some studies have found that if you feel the urge to eat a few treats, the fat-free, sugar-free, or "diet" versions actually push you to eat even more.

  • Many products that are marketed as "friends of the line" are not always low calorie. Additionally, sugar-free or fat-free foods often contain other ingredients added during processing, which are highly refined.
  • Just check your doses and eat small portions of the "original" product. So, instead of eating a whole ice cream with no fat or sugar, take half a serving, but be it real ice cream, this way you will be more satisfied.
Lose Weight Naturally Step 15
Lose Weight Naturally Step 15

Step 3. Eat consciously

Some research has found that people who get distracted while eating (for example, watching TV, reading a book or browsing the internet) are less satisfied with their food than those who pay attention to what's on their plate. If you eat with awareness of your actions, you can focus on the meal and perhaps eat less.

  • Make sure you chew each bite thoroughly and thoroughly, swallow it before putting another in your mouth. Eat slowly and with awareness.
  • Pay attention to the food you put in your mouth. How is the temperature like? The consistency? Is it salty, sweet or spicy?
  • When you feel adequately full (but not full) stop eating. If you're measuring and checking portions, this is a great guide to knowing when you've eaten enough.


  • Always consult your doctor before making any changes in diet or training. He will be able to tell you if weight loss is safe and suitable for you.
  • To successfully achieve your goal, you need to keep a positive approach and commit yourself. You are making lifestyle changes that will help you maintain your new weight forever.
  • Patience is the real key to achieving your goal of losing weight.
