How to Memorize a Deck of Cards: 12 Steps

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How to Memorize a Deck of Cards: 12 Steps
How to Memorize a Deck of Cards: 12 Steps

Imagine being able to memorize the order of cards in an entire deck (or two) as quickly as possible. The secret of who is able to count cards is no longer a secret. Using a mind map and celebrity roster, you'll be able to memorize a random deck of cards in one view. It takes some preparation time and a lot of practice, but once you understand how it works you will be able to impress your friends.


Part 1 of 3: Creating a Mind Map

Memorize a Deck of Cards Step 1
Memorize a Deck of Cards Step 1

Step 1. Take an imaginary walk

You will need to take a walk in a place you know very well, such as your home. As you walk around the house you will need to make contact with 52 points within your home to memorize in your mental diary. Choose 5 rooms in your home.

You can choose for example your bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen and study

Memorize a Deck of Cards Step 2
Memorize a Deck of Cards Step 2

Step 2. Memorize 10 pieces of furniture in each room

Imagine yourself in the doorway as you look around the room and spot 10 oversized pieces of furniture. Imagine them as you look at them clockwise. The elements must be large and you must avoid choosing the same object in different rooms. For example, don't choose the TV in the bedroom if you have already chosen it in the living room.

The choice of elements in your bedroom could be, starting from your left, 1) computer, 2) bed, 3) dresser, 4) mirror, 5) TV and so on. Choose large objects, such as the desk, instead of the pencil resting on it

Memorize a Deck of Cards Step 3
Memorize a Deck of Cards Step 3

Step 3. Repeat these 50 elements in your head

Focus on these objects until you are able to repeat them in quick succession with your eyes closed. You don't have to skip any or be confused, so if an item is constantly giving you trouble, think about finding one that's easier to remember. You can use flashcards or physically walk around the room over and over again, whatever helps you fix the 50 items in your memory.

Memorize a Deck of Cards Step 4
Memorize a Deck of Cards Step 4

Step 4. Add the last two pieces of furniture

You will need two extra pieces of furniture, as a deck has 52 cards. You can choose two pieces of furniture in another room or two landmarks in the yard or garage.

Part 2 of 3: Create Images for each Playing Card

Memorize a Deck of Cards Step 5
Memorize a Deck of Cards Step 5

Step 1. Convert the 52 cards into as many celebrities

The mind tends to remember things that are unusual and out of the ordinary. Celebrities are easy to remember for their roles or stories about them. Systematically create a celebrity table to make memorization easier.

Memorize a Deck of Cards Step 6
Memorize a Deck of Cards Step 6

Step 2. Remember each suit

Each suit of the cards will be associated with a personality type. Memorize seeds (personality):

  • Spades: weird or funny people
  • Managers: very rich people
  • Flowers: tough or crazy people
  • Hearts: people you love or admire
Memorize a Deck of Cards Step 7
Memorize a Deck of Cards Step 7

Step 3. Memorize each card

Each card will be associated with a category. Females will always be even numbers and males will always be odd numbers. Females and males will always be mated. For example, 10s are powerful women, so 9s are powerful men. Store categories:

  • Famous couples are royalty, so they are kings and queens.

    • King = the male of a celebrity couple.
    • Regina = the female of a celebrity couple.
  • The infantrymen were priests, so they will be single.

    Fanti = single celebrity males

  • Numbers 10 and 9 are the highest in the deck, so they are the most powerful men and women.

    • 10 = famous powerful women.
    • 9 = famous powerful men.
  • The number 8 looks like an hourglass, so 8 and 7 are associated with muscular men and bikini models.

    • 8 = women famous for their physique.
    • 7 = men famous for their physique
  • Numbers 5 and 6 are in the center of the scale, so think of a couple of people always in the middle of the gossip.

    • 6 = women known for their wild life.
    • 5 = men known for their wild life.
  • As for numbers 4 and 3, think of a couple of actors who have starred in film trilogies.

    • 4 = women who starred in a trilogy.
    • 3 = men who starred in a trilogy.
  • The term "Ace" is also used to indicate a champion in a sporting discipline, for which he associates the numbers 2 and 1 with champions of the sport.

    • 2 = famous female athletes.
    • 1 = famous male athletes.
    Memorize a Deck of Cards Step 8
    Memorize a Deck of Cards Step 8

    Step 4. Create a 52-card table

    You can use your computer or pen and paper to create the grid and help you memorize the list, divided into 13 categories and 4 personality types.

    For example, the ace (male athlete) of diamonds (rich) could be Michael Jordan

    Memorize a Deck of Cards Step 9
    Memorize a Deck of Cards Step 9

    Step 5. Practice using your chart

    Scroll through a shuffled deck and watch your chart as each card appears. Translate each card into the image you created. Try drawing a card before looking at the table.

    Keep practicing until you are able to look at each card without having to refer to the table

    Part 3 of 3: Putting It All Together

    Memorize a Deck of Cards Step 10
    Memorize a Deck of Cards Step 10

    Step 1. Scroll through a whole deck of cards

    Shuffle a deck of cards and use a timer to scroll through it as fast as possible. Go through your room mind map and assign each character a position to picture them in. Try to associate as much action and emotion as possible to the mind map with each character - the more bizarre you can make the image, the better chance you have of memorizing it.

    For example, if the first room of the mind map is your bedroom, the first position is your desk, and the first card drawn is the ace (male athlete) of diamonds (rich), which you have associated with Michael Jordan, you can imagine Michael Jordan crushing on your desk

    Memorize a Deck of Cards Step 11
    Memorize a Deck of Cards Step 11

    Step 2. Use a second deck of cards and put the first one back in order

    Go through the mind map you have created. Walk around your house and imagine every celebrity in every room doing something different in each of the ten pieces of furniture. Remember the meaning of each suit and number, and remember to go through each room clockwise.

    Memorize a Deck of Cards Step 12
    Memorize a Deck of Cards Step 12

    Step 3. Keep training

    Practice to sharpen your memory and improve your speed. Physically walk around the rooms to better view each card and associated celebrity. You won't be able to memorize a deck of cards without first remembering your mind map and celebrity chart.

    Encourage yourself to go faster by using a timer and trying to beat your own record


    • Make a list of people you know and can imagine. It is very important that you are able to clearly visualize the person in your mind.
    • This method can take a long time to master, especially if you're not familiar with many celebrities. You may find other people, places, or things easier to memorize than celebrities - you can use songs, movies, or whatever works for you, as long as you think of a table to keep everything in order.
    • You can use this method to remember any long sequence of numbers, as well as many other things.
