How to Look Like Alaska Young: 11 Steps

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How to Look Like Alaska Young: 11 Steps
How to Look Like Alaska Young: 11 Steps

Alaska Young, character from John Green's book "Looking for Alaska", is wild, spontaneous, different from others and lovable. In this article, you can find tips on how to become more like that life-loving girl that Alaska is.


Be Like Alaska Young Step 1
Be Like Alaska Young Step 1

Step 1. Be expansive

Alaska is known for being outgoing and is always the first to come up with fun ideas. This could mean anything from smiling at new people, to being curious or holding the reins of a conversation. Make sure whatever you do is memorable.

Be Like Alaska Young Step 2
Be Like Alaska Young Step 2

Step 2. Be creative

A fundamental part of the story revolves around the jokes that the gang organizes, and Alaska is one of the main characters who always makes elaborate proposals to make new ones. If you're not sure whether making a joke fits your concept of creativity, then maybe try an alternative trick, like including one in a narrative.

Be Like Alaska Young Step 3
Be Like Alaska Young Step 3

Step 3. Read lots of books

Every summer, or whenever you have the time, try to collect any book that may interest you and reach the goal of reading them all. Even if that means building a whole library of unread books (your "Library of Life"), make sure you always have something to read.

Be Like Alaska Young Step 4
Be Like Alaska Young Step 4

Step 4. Be spontaneous

If you feel like doing or saying something, then do it and don't think about the consequences. Be unpredictable and have fun with it. Don't feel embarrassed or uncomfortable about what you do, the faster you get rid of the embarrassment, the more fun you will have.

Be Like Alaska Young Step 5
Be Like Alaska Young Step 5

Step 5. Be friendly

When meeting new people, don't treat them differently than you might treat your friends and involve them in your activities; this attitude will add to your expansiveness.

Be Like Alaska Young Step 6
Be Like Alaska Young Step 6

Step 6. Do a little flirt

When she first meets Pudge, Alaska starts flirting with him, but she makes clear her feelings for her boyfriend. Be careful this behavior doesn't hurt anyone, keep it fun and light, but don't overdo it.

Be Like Alaska Young Step 7
Be Like Alaska Young Step 7

Step 7. Fight for your beliefs

Just because you're friendly and flirtatious doesn't mean people can put their feet up on your head. For example, Alaska firmly believes in women's rights, so if you believe in something and someone insults you, stand up for your ideals and make others understand the reasons for what you feel.

Be Like Alaska Young Step 8
Be Like Alaska Young Step 8

Step 8. Be mysterious

If someone asks you a question, perhaps limit yourself to providing just a few snippets of information, rather than explaining everything to them. Give short answers, avoiding being abrupt. If someone says they haven't been able to "catch you", reply with a simple "that's the point". This will keep others on their toes and make them want to know more about you.

Be Like Alaska Young Step 9
Be Like Alaska Young Step 9

Step 9. Start by wearing vanilla flavored perfume and lotion

Pudge always remembers how Alaska smelled of cigarettes and vanilla. Also, you could put on a bright electric blue nail polish, like she did, and always wear shorts and flip flops.

Be Like Alaska Young Step 10
Be Like Alaska Young Step 10

Step 10. Live in the moment

Alaska lives its entire life to the fullest and savors every second of it, so have fun and make every day important.

Be Like Alaska Young Step 11
Be Like Alaska Young Step 11

Step 11. Be confident

If you show confidence in everything you do, even if it's silly, you will show that you don't care what other people think of you. Just like Alaska would do in all her actions, simply by being herself.


  • Be confident and proud of who you are. You are not just a character in a book.
  • Be sure of what you do.
  • Reread Searching Alaska to get ideas on spontaneous gestures to make and books to read.


  • Don't drive after drinking.
  • Don't fool anyone and don't pretend you like someone; otherwise you will end up hitting the people around you.
  • Do not smoke if you are a minor. It is bad for your health.
