Have you ever read this comic or watched the TV show? Have you ever dreamed of being like Corvina, who rejected her dark force and went over to the side of good? Then read on.

Step 1. Check your emotions
Corvina does this, so that her powers are not destructive. Now, you probably don't have telekinetic abilities and can't read other people's minds, but remember that this factor affects your behavior more than any other. Consequently, if you want to be like her, you will have to learn to control your inner self as much as possible. Either way, you can let emotions surface from time to time, when it's worth it or you can't contain it. If so, hint at a smile and a hug.
Meditate. Corvina has deep contact with her spiritual side, so try meditation. Close your eyes, sit in the lotus position or cross your legs (she often does this this way; if you are uncomfortable, lie down or arrange yourself in the way that is most comfortable for you). Make a Shuni Mudra or a Surya Mudra with your hands: Corvina does both. If you don't know them, google them. Relax your mind, don't let it wander and don't get distracted unnecessarily. Take it easy. Eventually you will be able to start visualizing something and improve your concentration. For now, however, just meditate. Research this activity after you finish reading the article and practice it for at least 20 minutes a day.
Look and Act Like Raven from Teen Titans Step 1Bullet1 -
Drink herbal tea. In the Teen Titans episodes it can be seen that he does this often. This habit allows her to calm down. You can also sip hot tea.
Look and Act Like Raven from Teen Titans Step 1Bullet2 -
Write a diary. It will help you solve your problems and make you more introverted. Corvina would never announce her difficulties to the rooftops nor would she desperately ask someone to try and offer her a solution because she can't do it alone. It does everything by itself. Writing will also help you not to talk as much. Corvina is extremely introverted and more of an observer. Dedicate yourself to your inner self and start writing every day.
Look and Act Like Raven from Teen Titans Step 1Bullet3 All of this will allow you to calm down and control your emotions

Step 2. Try to be elusive
Most spiritual people have some inner depth and prefer to keep many things to themselves. If you are young, your parents will probably think it is wrong. Calmly explain that everything is fine, but you want to start holding some thoughts inside yourself. Your bedroom must be a space dedicated only to yourself. Do not let anyone in unless necessary. Make it dark and mysterious. Arrange black and white candles in groups of three throughout the room. Fill a large shelf with books. Use colors like dark blue, purple and black

Step 3. Be fair and kind
Be loyal to the people closest to you, and don't trust those you don't fully know. Distance yourself slightly from others and don't tell everything. Don't overdo it though, avoid losing your friendships. Corvina cares a lot about her friends and family

Step 4. Learn the subtle art of sarcasm
You will need to master it, so try to get sarcastic. This ability usually comes with a bit of wisdom and years of knowledge and experience, so use it wisely. Don't make comments that have nothing to do with the topic you're talking about. Also, be ironic: make remarks like this as soon as you get the chance.

Step 5. Read as much as you can
Choose books dedicated to spirituality, ancient religions, symbols, history, mathematics, any subject you want. Just do it. Show curiosity about things and try to have knowledge of different kinds. It will help you hone your sarcasm, but it will also make you a more open-minded person. Corvina would never use a Kindle, so try to buy paper books. If possible, cover them with black covers and keep what you are reading to yourself. Never close your mind, whatever religion you are.

Step 6. Here's how to physically resemble them
- Now, wearing a cape and long-sleeved leotard can be a little over the top (in the comics she wears a long dress and cape instead). You can dress up for Halloween or for a special spiritual occasion (assuming you care about this side of Corvina). Sometimes she wears a simple cropped top with a prominent belly, a pair of jeans and a belt. She also wears spiritual and symbolic jewelry. To dress in a similar way, it's easier to buy a blue hoodie and a pair of jeans. It's a simple look but still reminiscent of this character. When imitating her style, remember to focus everything on darker colors. She herself claims to have a certain affinity with these chromatic varieties.
- Get purple or blue contact lenses. Corvina has eyes of both colors. If you have them naturally blue, you won't have to do anything, but you can still try having them purple.
- Dye your hair if it's not dark and / or get a Corvina-like cut. You could also try a purple wig, dye them, or just make strands of this color.

Step 7. Avoid getting a tan
Apply sunscreen, but still try not to expose yourself to the sun. Make milk, oatmeal, and lemon juice baths. You can try all the safest home methods that will help you get white skin.
- Try to have a good connection with the Earth. Corvina was in tune with her size and her people. You try your place of origin.
- Be confident, but don't show it too much.
- Try to have a vaguely goth look, but don't limit yourself. On special occasions and if you can buy them, wear a cape and tights, even if people might get some weird ideas about you.
- You will look even more like her by trying to wear makeup like her. If you're trying to mimic the look of the TV show, just apply a light foundation and make a thin line of eyeliner at the upper and lower lashline. You could also apply the base for the face on the lips, darkening the upper one. However, this makeup doesn't really flatter real girls and it's nicer to see it drawn.
- Try to be open-minded when it comes to religion. Study that of Corvina, which is called Azarath.
- You may lose sight of your friends trying to look like Corvina. Do something nice for them every now and then. Relax, but still try to be reserved. Explain that you are still friends, only that you prefer to be more on your own.
- Your parents may think there is something wrong with you, especially if you change from moment to moment, looking more mature.
- People might think you're weird.