It is absolutely natural for puppies to get dirty easily; however, it is not pleasant at all when they smell bad and look unpleasant. When you think it's finally time to bathe your puppy, you may have many doubts and worries - for sure, you don't want to make a mistake and hurt him! Fortunately, thanks to this article you will learn the essential steps to wash your dog for the first time - in addition, you will find useful tips and tricks to turn bath time into a pleasant experience for both you and your puppy!
Method 1 of 2: Preparation

Step 1. Prepare your dog by playing with him a few times in the tub or sink without water, giving him treats and entertaining him
Let him smell whatever he wants to put him at ease.

Step 2. Play with him, putting very little water in the tub
Get used to the splashes and the sound of flowing water, the pitcher, the sensation of the water and the noise of the shower mixer and tap.

Step 3. Purchase a specific shampoo for dogs
Get your dog used to the smell, even if he probably won't like it!
The shampoo for people is not good and is not recommended for washing puppies or adult dogs, because the pH (acid / alkaline balance) of the dog's skin is different from that of humans

Step 4. If the puppy is very small, wash him in the kitchen sink
It will be more comfortable for both of you.

Step 5. Place a clean, wet cloth over the base of the sink or tub to keep your dog from slipping
Step 6. To prevent your puppy from experiencing the bathroom as an unpleasant and noisy time, wash him when the children are not at home
Babies laugh and scream and your dog may get stressed! Do not allow others to harass him in the bathroom so as not to scare him.

Step 7. Relax for good
Play some soothing music to stay calm. This step is for you - not the dog. If you are stressed out, your puppy will feel it! For the dog you are the leader of the pack, so if you are calm, the puppy will be (more) calm. Do what you can not to get upset.
Step 8. Wear comfortable clothes that you already need to wash
Keep in mind that they will get wet and dirty from the constant splashing of water. Your bathroom will also most likely get wet and dirty.

Step 9. Plan ahead and avoid any distractions during the bathroom
If some distractions are unavoidable, such as the phone ringing or someone knocking on the door, ignore them as much as possible; never leave your puppy alone in the water!
Step 10. Make sure the house, especially the bathroom, is warm

Step 11. Dogs feel heat much more than humans
Then, prepare the bath at a temperature of about 37 ° C.

Step 12. Check the water temperature just like you would with a baby's bath, with your wrist or elbow
If it seems warm enough to you, then it's too hot for your pup! The water level should be half the height of the dog, of course, you don't want him to drown.

Step 13. After filling the tub or sink, get a plastic bowl or pitcher
Also, keep treats handy to give to your dog to calm him down, but be careful not to splash them with water!
Step 14. Make sure the puppy has recently done his business - otherwise, the water could excite him too much

Step 15. When you are ready, focus and call the puppy
The puppies seemed to have a sixth sense when bath time comes (they pick up all the signals); therefore, it could run and hide. If necessary, follow it slowly and patiently. It will be easier if you tired him out with a walk first! If you do it with indifference, you will succeed in your intent.

Step 16. When in the bathroom, close the door so the puppy doesn't escape
Before bath time, pamper your dog to relax.
Method 2 of 2: Bath Time

Step 1. Gently immerse the puppy in the water, keeping the head above the water level, but wetting the whole body
Speak quietly, giving him rewards and praising him.

Step 2. Pour some shampoo into your palm and work with your fingers
Use little, you can always add it later.

Step 3. Don't forget to wash the tail

Step 4. Place a hand on the puppy's back to reassure him and not to make him jump out of the water, while washing his paws and tummy
Be careful when washing the paws, as if the puppy turns in the wrong direction he could get hurt.

Step 5. After having soaped the body and washed the coat thoroughly, rinse carefully by lightly patting it
If necessary, drain the soapy water and fill the tub or sink again with clean water to rinse the soap - remember, however, that the puppy may be cold and begin to shiver. If you have a shower jet available, use it, but be careful to keep the temperature (not too hot) and pressure constant, and keep the puppy close to you to prevent it from splashing too much water.

Step 6. It is very important that all the soap is removed from the fur
Not only will it taste bad if the puppy accidentally licks itself, it could also be harmful to the dog!

Step 7. Using the jug or plastic bowl you took earlier, gently pour the warm water over the puppy's head - from the back of the head, avoiding the muzzle
While pouring the water, point the dog's nose upwards to make the water flow down through the entire body, away from the eyes and nose.

Step 8. Usually, it is not necessary to wash your dog's head unless it is visibly dirty or smells bad
It is natural for a puppy to have a slight dog odor. If you think you need to wash your head as well, just follow the steps below:
- Pour a very small amount of shampoo into your hand and allow it to foam gently. Work on the ears, neck and under the chin, avoiding the eyes and mouth.
- Rinse your head twice with lukewarm water poured from the cup, spreading it from the back of the head to the front, as you did before. Smell the head - it should have a pleasant wet dog smell mixed with a mild soap fragrance.
- Dry your head and muzzle with the towel. Have a lot of parties for the puppy.
- It's best to wash your head last because your dog automatically starts shaking when it gets wet. By wrapping your dog in a towel while you wash your head, you will prevent him from splashing water all over the room when his head gets wet.

Step 9. When you have finished washing your puppy, take him out of the tub and carefully wrap him in a towel, leaving his head out
Step 10. Never blow dry your dog with a hairdryer
You would risk burning it. Instead, use an old towel (which you can dedicate exclusively to the dog's bath) and dry it carefully. If you have a lot of parties, your dog will gladly take a bath, associating it with your cuddles.

Step 11. Keep your puppy in a warm place and don't let him out immediately after bathing
Close the doors to other rooms, such as the kitchen and bedrooms, to prevent water from splashing all over the place. It is absolutely normal for a playful puppy to get dirty and messy.
- Make sure the water is neither too hot nor too cold.
- Be very gentle with your puppy; after all, it's his first time.
- Don't worry if you notice dandruff on your coat as you dry and comb it. Dandruff is a normal reaction to stressful situations and shouldn't be a cause for panic!
- Too many baths will remove the natural protective oil from the puppy's coat.
- Try to be calm, puppies feel the stress of the owner.
- Only wash your puppy if it is dirty or smells bad.
- Never be abrupt with the puppy. Since it's his first bath, it's normal for him to be surprised and scared.
- Do not immediately immerse the dog in water. Give it time to explore before submerging it.
- Never leave the dog alone in the water, it could get dirty or even drown.