4 Ways to Kill the Queen Ant

4 Ways to Kill the Queen Ant
4 Ways to Kill the Queen Ant

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Ants are annoying insects that can infest your home or garden. Killing the ones you see doesn't help solve the far greater problem of eliminating the entire colony; for this it is necessary to kill the queen. However, it can be a rather difficult task, as it always remains inside the nest. To proceed, you must first find the nest and try to eliminate the queen directly, use a trap or try some natural remedy such as borax or boiling water.


Method 1 of 4: Finding the Source

Kill the Queen Ant Step 1
Kill the Queen Ant Step 1

Step 1. Locate the queen

Depending on the species of ant you are managing, it may be more or less easy to be able to recognize it; in some species, this specimen is much larger than other worker ants; however, the simplest clue that allows you to detect it is the presence of the wings. In most species, the queen ant develops wings at some point in their life.

  • As it develops and then loses its wings during its life cycle, you are still able to see where they were attached.
  • The queen also generally has a thorax (the central section of the body) larger than that of the other specimens.
Kill the Queen Ant Step 2
Kill the Queen Ant Step 2

Step 2. Find the nest

If you want to kill the queen it is essential to be able to locate it and the site in which it is present depends on the type of ants. Some species make it into the wood or the floor of the house; others prefer garden sheds, potting soil or vegetable gardens, while still others create raised anthills in the garden.

Don't kill the bugs if you don't know where the nest is, but follow their path to the anthill

Kill the Queen Ant Step 3
Kill the Queen Ant Step 3

Step 3. Destroy the nest to find the queen

Sometimes you can come across this specimen in the immediate vicinity of the den; to try to push it out, you have to move the mound the colony has built a little or otherwise disturb it in some way. If you can see the queen, kill her right away.

Be careful during the procedure not to get bitten and never use this method if you are dealing with fire ants

Method 2 of 4: With Natural Methods

Kill the Queen Ant Step 4
Kill the Queen Ant Step 4

Step 1. Use boiling water

A natural way to try to kill the queen ant is to pour boiling water over the colony. Start by preparing 8-12 liters and pour it directly on the anthill; in this way you should be able to kill them all, including the queen.

However, do not follow this method if you are dealing with fire ants; if one of them accidentally reaches your body, it could hurt you

Kill the Queen Ant Step 5
Kill the Queen Ant Step 5

Step 2. Try borax

To get rid of the infestation, you can prepare a solution based on boric acid and a sugary substance. Mix 200 g of maple syrup or honey heated in the microwave with 60 g of borax and mix the two substances well until they are well blended and have a soft consistency. This represents a liquid bait for adult ants; to make a harder one that can kill the larvae, use sugar and borax in equal parts, stirring until well blended.

  • Place several large drops of this bait in the center of an ant path, including walls, railings or sidewalks; pour the solid and liquid mixtures along the path of the ants as you approach the nest. If you find that insects follow different paths, put some bait in each one.
  • Be careful not to apply borax in the garden or soil; if ants are in the garden, you must place the mixture on solid material to prevent it from coming into contact with plants or the earth.
  • Borax is on sale in drugstores or hardware stores.
  • Keep in mind that it is a toxic substance; make sure children and pets stay away from them.
Kill the Queen Ant Step 6
Kill the Queen Ant Step 6

Step 3. Try cornstarch

It represents another natural method you can try to kill the queen ant; pour a strip around the anthill or nest built by the colony. Insects bring starch inside and use it as food, however the fibers contained in it can swell and kill them; not even the queen is exempt from this consequence, if she decides to eat it.

This method can take some time to bring results, but it is very effective and lasts a long time

Method 3 of 4: With Chemicals

Kill the Queen Ant Step 7
Kill the Queen Ant Step 7

Step 1. Use an insecticide

If you know where the nest is, you can use a spray insecticide on the colony. Read the label for specific ingredients, such as bifentrin, permethrin, or deltamethrin; be sure to strictly follow the instructions, as you are handling a toxic product.

Proceed with great caution when using insecticides around the house; you must protect children and pets, preventing them from coming into contact with them

Kill the Queen Ant Step 8
Kill the Queen Ant Step 8

Step 2. Try household cleaners

If boiling water alone does not bring the desired results, pour cleaning products on the cologne; use the ones you have at home. You can give it a try with dish soap mixed with boiling water to throw on the anthill.

  • If you want to try a more aggressive solution instead, you can pour in a mixture of detergent or bleach.
  • However, be careful not to use these products in places frequented by children and pets.
Kill the Queen Ant Step 9
Kill the Queen Ant Step 9

Step 3. Use a decoy

It is a type of insecticide that poisons ants; it contains a sweet substance mixed with the poison that attracts insects, which confuse it with food and take it to the nest to feed on it.

  • The poison is carried into the anthill and ingested by the insects. If a specimen dies and the others eat it, they are in turn poisoned until the substance spreads throughout the colony, including the queen.
  • This may take up to 3 weeks.
Kill the Queen Ant Step 10
Kill the Queen Ant Step 10

Step 4. Hire a professional

If you can't get rid of the queen and can't get rid of the ants, call a pest control company. Operators can use various methods and substances to exterminate insects and prevent infestations; however this is an expensive solution, so you should try other techniques before contacting them.

Method 4 of 4: Preventing Future Infestations

Kill the Queen Ant Step 11
Kill the Queen Ant Step 11

Step 1. Clean the house

Ants are attracted to sweet and sugary foods. If the house is very messy, with lots of food residues (especially sweet crumbs) everywhere, you can end up with an infestation; these creatures also seek water, especially in dry climates. By cleaning the house you can eliminate any "temptation" for ants, queen included, preventing an invasion at the origin.

Take your time to do a thorough job. Do not neglect the area under and behind the furniture, pay special attention to the kitchen, dining room and children's bedrooms; Look under the fridge, in drawers and in the pantry for open packages, traces of drinks or sugary foods that might attract ants

Kill the Queen Ant Step 12
Kill the Queen Ant Step 12

Step 2. Destroy the paths

These insects leave a scent trail that guides the rest of the colony. Cleaning and washing the surfaces does not solve the problem; you have to use vinegar instead to "wash away" the smell of the ants that leads them from the nest to the food and vice versa.

Kill the Queen Ant Step 13
Kill the Queen Ant Step 13

Step 3. Use natural repellents

If you need help keeping ants away, try natural solutions. Sprinkle coffee grounds on the windowsills and on the doorstep; you can also use cinnamon, shredded chili, crushed eucalyptus, cayenne pepper, diatomaceous earth or even camphor oil on the doorways of the house to prevent ants from entering.

  • A clove of garlic in the cupboards and in the pantry can be useful as a repellent.
  • You can also put plants like lavender indoors, which are unwelcome to these insects. this method minimizes the risk related to the use of chemicals and also beautifies the house with beautiful plants.
