The dark Knight! The executioner! The Bat Man! If you want to move in the shadows like Batman, you can learn to think, act and dress like him for fun.
Method 1 of 3: Think Like Batman

Step 1. Fight for justice
Batman is a superhero, that is, he fights injustice in all its forms. Fight against evil. Batman is famous for taking on gangsters, super villains, human penguins, genetically created monsters alligators, evil clowns and icy men. In short, the usual. If you want to be like Batman, you have to be good and fight for justice.
You probably don't have Two-Face or the Penguin in your neighborhood, but that doesn't mean your world is free from injustice. Beware of children who are targeted, or treated badly. Stand up for equality and fairness

Step 2. Defend the innocent
Bruce Wayne became Batman because his parents were killed in a robbery attempt. His parents were good, honest and hardworking people who cared a lot about him. As Batman, his job is to defend these kinds of people. If you want to be like Batman, stand up for the innocent.
To be like Batman, you need to have a good sense of good and evil. Look for examples in your life

Step 3. Use gadgets
Batman has the coolest gadgets of all superheroes. If you want to be like Batman, stay up to date on the latest technology news.
- Learn to use computers and mobile phones very well. Try to understand how the internet works and how to use new programs. Ask your parents for permission to do these things and stay up to date.
- Batman is rich, and that helps him have the best gadgets. But you don't have to be. If you want to use some fake gadgets, try an old broken calculator, an old clock, and other broken devices that have been thrown away. Take them apart and use the parts for fun. Ask for permission first.

Step 4. Create your Batcave
Every Batman needs a safe haven. Batman's cave is the place where his inventions, his costumes are hidden and where the masked hero does his research. You don't necessarily need a secret passage to reach your batcave (or a mansion to hide it under), but you will still need a personal space.
- Transform your room into the Batcave. Make it private. Put a sign on the door that reads "Batcave: No Penguins and Bad Guys."
- If you don't have your own room, find a closet that you can claim as your own. Keep costumes and gadgets inside, and disappear there to transform into your super version.

Step 5. Face your fears
Batman chose the bat as his symbol because he was afraid of this animal. He wanted a symbol that would strike fear into the hearts of his enemies, just as the bat frightened him. Even if you are not afraid of bats, you will have to find and face your fears, like Batman did.
What are you afraid of? Snakes? Spiders? Height? Think about what scares you, then find a way to deal with that fear, safely. Talk to your parents about it and come up with a plan

Step 6. Be willing to do what it takes
In some cases, Batman has to go beyond the limits of the law. He is not a policeman, but sometimes he works with the police. In other situations, the police want to arrest him. Always fight for the good, though. Are you willing to do whatever it takes? Even if you could get in trouble?

Step 7. Talk like Batman
Batman's voice is always very hoarse, as if he had just swallowed sandpaper. This helps differentiate his voice from that of his alter ego, Bruce Wayne. It is a fundamental part of Batman. Keep your identity secret separate from yours.
Method 2 of 3: Get in Bat-Form

Step 1. Learn to defend yourself
Batman is able to get out of any situation. He does not use weapons or violence, he only fights to defend himself when necessary. If you want to be like Batman, learn how to protect yourself from attacks.
Learn a martial art. There are courses for all ages and skill levels, and they can be great ways to train. Batman did so

Step 2. Improve your flexibility
In all Batman movies, you can see how the hero is very flexible. He jumps a lot and performs somersaults, wheels and leaps.
Try stretching every day to keep your muscles loose. You'll avoid straining your muscles while running, and you'll stay fit and flexible. Touch your toes and straighten your arms. Go slowly and hold the position for about 15 seconds

Step 3. Get in shape
Batman is strong and resilient. You can't become like him if you sit in front of the TV. Try jumping, squatting, or running to get fit. Play a sport you enjoy with friends. Get out as much as possible and run in your Batman costume; it is a great way to exercise.

Step 4. Eat a healthy diet
To stay fit, Batman follows a healthy diet, eating lots of fruits and vegetables. When you want to snack, eat some nuts, an apple or carrots instead of candy or sweets.

Step 5. Keep your back straight
Batman would look silly if he walked hunchbacked in his costume. Stand tall, proud of your identity. Keep your back straight, to intimidate those who see you. It will make you look bigger, like Batman.

Step 6. Be tough
Batman is undoubtedly strong and resilient. You will never see Batman moving slow or weak. When you decide to run, do it as if you invented movement. Have no doubts. When you jump, jump like a pro. Jump like Batman.
Method 3 of 3: Cure Appearance

Step 1. Decide what kind of Batman you want to be
Batman and his costume have evolved since their debut in May 1939. If you want to look like Batman, you can learn how to choose the right costume:
- The Dark Knight version is an executioner who lives outside the law. His costume is metallic and rigid, similar to hard plastic. If you want to recreate this style, use plastic costumes.
- The DC version is the iconic one of the superhero comics. Batman's costume is more cheerful and colorful (with bright yellow hues) and the hero fights crime with a more investigative style.

Step 2. Get a real Batman costume if you can
Batman costumes are quite common and available in many specialty stores. If you want to have the Batman look, this is the best way to do it.
For something creative, try making your own costume out of old clothes

Step 3. Cover your face with a mask
All Batman must have their face covered with a mask, which at least hides the eyes. This is critical to keeping your true identity secret.
If you don't have a full Batman mask, you can get a plastic Zorro-style mask that hides the eyes, or use a strip of black cloth with holes for the eyes

Step 4. Put on a cape
Batman's cape is important for hiding his identity. He uses it to cover his face, deflect blows and glide through the air. A nice dark cape is important for a Batman costume.
- Other types of costumes also often have a cloak. You can borrow a cape from a vampire costume, or that of another superhero.
- If you don't have a cape to wear, ask for permission to use an old blanket or piece of cloth.

Step 5. Wear dark clothing
Batman, like a bat, hides in the dark. To make things easier, she almost always dresses in black. Create a black, dark gray and dark blue cloth costume to stay hidden in the darkness as much as possible.
Batman's traditional costume was primarily light gray, with a black hood and cloak. If you want to look like this type of Batman, put on an old gray jumpsuit and add the Batman symbol in front with a marker
- Watch movies to learn about Batman.
- You can find the Batman suit at many costume shops, although they are often for children. More easily you can also order it online.
- If you do light physical activity, you can work out every day, but if you decide to go to the gym, train only 3-4 days a week to give your muscles time to recover.
- Always speaking in a deep voice may irritate your throat.
- Do not try to imitate him in all respects, trying to jump from one building to another or do impossible feats, because these are things reserved for the magical world of superheroes.
- Physical exercises can be dangerous at times.