Have you ever wanted to prove to everyone that you are not a slacker and that you will not let them make you think otherwise? By following this guide since the beginning of the year, you will be able to get respected and get excellent grades.
Method 1 of 2: Be More Careful in Class

Step 1. Prepare for the first day of school
Most students don't. You have to show the teachers that you think about things in advance, that you are prepared and that you are ready to give your best. If you don't understand when they explain, don't hesitate to ask questions: teachers like to see interest and desire to learn in the eyes of their pupils. Do your homework or library homework, and try to study or do some exercises even between lessons.

Step 2. Study consistently
Don't get lazy during the week, only to end up throwing yourself into a crazy and desperate study the night before a class test. It is much better to study a little each day than to fill yourself with work and stress at the last minute. If you can discipline yourself when it comes to learning, dedicating half an hour a day to it, you will get absolutely unexpected results. Start building good habits right away, because when you go to college your workload will double or triple, and you won't be able to keep up with it.

Step 3. Organize all the exercises done in class by classifying them by date
If the teacher is handing out papers, stick them in a notebook or put them in a folder. Some professors monitor them. Study every day, even if you don't have any upcoming class assignments. Also, the professor could take a surprise test. If teachers explain by following a textbook, make a commitment to read the chapters before they are covered in class. If they have to award extra points for extra projects, don't miss this opportunity, so you will get better grades; for example, you can go from an 8 to a 10, and this is essential for being number 1. Don't you go to school on a certain day? Be sure to ask a trusted friend for the notes, study what has been explained, and if in doubt, talk to the teacher. This shows that you value your school career.

Step 4. Try never to forget homework, exercise cards, authorizations and anything else you should give the teacher on a certain date
Write it all down on post-its and stick it on your room door so you'll keep it in mind. If possible, try to deliver something before the deadline, but don't rush to finish a project. Better be perfect and worthy of a 10. When you go to school, try to have pencils and pens available.

Step 5. Be a perfectionist
If you want to be the best student in your school, you need to remember that there are other people who are trying their best to be number 1, just like you. Maybe someone is working like you, maybe more. When you think you've studied “enough” to take 10 on a test, keep in mind that probably a lot of others have worked “hard enough.” However, if you want to be number 1, you need to study harder and become the best. Do you think that getting higher grades won't do any good? Maybe not, but, by dedicating a lot of energy to each task, the average will be higher than those who did the minimum necessary to get a fair grade: remember that you aspire to be the best of the school.

Step 6. Be kind to your professors
If you are having trouble with other students or need help with the exercises you do in class, they will be more than willing to lend a hand knowing that you work hard.

Step 7. Try to be a good all-round student
In addition to working to get good grades, get involved in afternoon activities, especially those organized at school, such as sports, music, art, or theater. Enter contests to show that you take a certain business seriously.
Method 2 of 2: Doing Afternoon Activities
Step 1. Join a couple of clubs or organizations
Being a good student goes beyond just good grades. If you get involved with a volunteer club or association run by other students or a professor, you will have the opportunity to be a successful student and become popular outside the classroom. Find out about what activities you can do in your city by asking at school or doing an internet search. Don't find anything of your interest? You could develop one yourself!
- Try joining a club that offers community service. You could use the hours accumulated in this organization to increase credit points at school.
- Also encourage your friends to join an organization.
Step 2. Consider creative or useful courses you could take
You may not have the opportunity at school to study everything that interests you, but on the outside you can try your hand at what you are really passionate about, be it art, a foreign language, a musical instrument, theater or home economics.. Do whatever you can, even if it means spending more than one afternoon a week away from home. Your professors will be favorably impressed, and you will make friends with so many people you would otherwise never have met.
Try taking a course that interests you even if you don't think you are a top. If you are not an artist, look for painting lessons - learning something new will improve your self-esteem
Step 3. Try to play sports (even more than one)
It is a healthy and fun activity that allows you to spend more time with others and improve your reputation. Playing in a team in your city will put you in the center of attention and give you the chance to cultivate your skills. Some sports are more popular than others; for example, many play football, basketball or volleyball, but you can also give it a try at a lesser known activity.
Are you not interested in sports? However, try to cheer on a team in your city, especially if you have friends who play there
- Study hard and organize all your stuff.
- Wear something comfortable while you study, so you can do it longer without thinking about when you will change or get distracted.
- Use learning tactics like acronyms and rhyming phrases to help you memorize concepts quickly.
- Study the chapters that will be covered in class in advance. Look for words you don't know, because the teacher in the class is likely to ask if anyone knows the meaning of a strange word. So, if you do some research the day before a certain class, you will be able to answer the teacher's question right away, giving the impression that you know a lot. Hit everyone!
- Don't force yourself to sit for hours and hours in front of books. Above all, make sure you grasp the concepts.
- Do your best, the results will not be long in coming.
- Arrange the place where you study as you like and organize your notebooks, folders and binders. If clutter is distracting you, then keep your desk clean. Play your favorite background music.
- Treat others kindly.
- Make a good impression on the teachers and the rest of the class. To impress teachers, be on time and complete homework regularly. To impress your friends, you should help them in all possible ways, for example by sharing notebooks, pens, pencils and snacks. Of course they will have to reciprocate.
- Don't be afraid to ask a professor questions. It takes you 10 minutes to understand a concept that has escaped you. Obviously, to do this, try to get to class early or stay at the end, otherwise contact him during office hours.
- Avoid staying up all night because you have a test in class the next day. Study well and start early so you'll be well rested and ready when you need to take the test.
- Be humble. Don't brag.
- Don't stress yourself out too much.