How to Learn Muay Thai: 4 Steps (with Pictures)

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How to Learn Muay Thai: 4 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Learn Muay Thai: 4 Steps (with Pictures)

Have you ever dreamed of defeating your enemies with one blow? Have you ever wished you had enough power to eliminate the most fearsome of opponents in an instant? Read on, this is the art of Muay Thai.


Learn Muay Thai Step 1
Learn Muay Thai Step 1

Step 1. Find a Muay Thai gym

This sport is perceived and applied in many different ways, some you may like, others may scare you. Some masters are fanatics and may tempt you to defect. The best gyms are those that offer a very intense training plan: 2 hours, of which 45 minutes are dedicated to warming up, 15 to stretching, 30 to techniques, and the last part to sparring.

Learn Muay Thai Step 2
Learn Muay Thai Step 2

Step 2. Learn the language and history behind Muay Thai

There are many articles on the web that offer an overview of this sport. Watch many films and documentaries. Fighters like Ramon Dekkers and Buakaw Por Pramuk are great examples of technique. Films include Ong-Bak, and those of Van Damme.

Learn Muay Thai Step 3
Learn Muay Thai Step 3

Step 3. Practice sparring

Sparring can be scary at times, but if you're afraid you shouldn't have chosen this sport. Sparring allows you to develop your own style, so it will be easier for you to fight in and out of the ring. Many fighters try to KO the opponent in the first round. Avoid doing this, if you were to get tired immediately you would be meat for slaughter. A normal match lasts 5 rounds of 3 minutes each.

Learn Muay Thai Step 4
Learn Muay Thai Step 4

Step 4. Train as hard as you can but don't overdo it

At the gym, use lighter weights by doing a lot of repetitions. Resistance training is your best friend when it comes to muay thai.


  • Never give up. You will often do some very tough workouts. Be strong and don't give up.
  • Train and stretch as much as you can.
  • Muay Thai is great for self defense. Also learn some fighting techniques.
  • Training, training, training. Endurance is your best friend. Running for several hours will help you perform in those 3 minute rounds.
  • Use muay thai for self defense only.


  • Respect your coach and your gym.
  • Any blow to the head and neck can be fatal.
  • Muay Thai is an ancient royal art, respect it.
  • Don't use the shots you learn in the gym on the street.
