6 Ways to Cite a Dictionary

6 Ways to Cite a Dictionary
6 Ways to Cite a Dictionary

Table of contents:


When you use a specific definition in a paper, you will need to quote the dictionary you used on the "Works Cited" or "Sources" page. Each style guide has its own citation rules, and these rules vary depending on whether the dictionary is a print or online source.


Method 1 of 6: Printed Dictionary in MLA

Cite a Dictionary Step 1
Cite a Dictionary Step 1

Step 1. Write down the word you have defined

The word should be written in quotes and in uppercase. End with a period.


Cite a Dictionary Step 2
Cite a Dictionary Step 2

Step 2. Indicate the number related to the definition

If the term has more than one definition in the dictionary, indicate which one you used. The number indicates the item number, as some words have more than one, while the letter indicates the definition under the item you used. End with a period.

"Citation." Def. 1e

Cite a Dictionary Step 7
Cite a Dictionary Step 7

Step 3. Type the name of the dictionary you used

Write the dictionary name in italics and end with a period.

"Citation." Def. 1e. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary

Do Well on the SATs Step 7
Do Well on the SATs Step 7

Step 4. Write the year of publication

It is not necessary to write the complete date. You just have to indicate the year in which the specific version of the dictionary you used was published. End with a period.

"Citation." Def. 1e. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. 2003

Cite a Dictionary Step 4
Cite a Dictionary Step 4

Step 5. Specify that the dictionary is printed

Since sources can be on different mediums, the MLA style requires you to specify which medium you used. In this case it will simply be "Printed."

"Citation." Def. 1e. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. 2003. Printed

Method 2 of 6: Online DIzionario in MLA

Cite a Dictionary Step 6
Cite a Dictionary Step 6

Step 1. Identify the quoted word

Write the word in quotes and in uppercase. End with a period.


Cite Wikipedia Step 8
Cite Wikipedia Step 8

Step 2. Indicate the original source

Online dictionaries often borrow definitions from printed dictionaries. Usually the dictionary from which the definitions are taken is indicated at the end of the entry. Write the name in italics and end with a period.

  • "Citation." Random House Dictionary.
  • Note: If the online source is an original dictionary and not a third party one, skip directly to point 2.4, to indicate the source of the publication.
Get Higher Marks in Exam Step 3
Get Higher Marks in Exam Step 3

Step 3. Indicate the place of publication, the publisher and the year in which the original dictionary was published

In the case of a publishing house in a large city like London or New York, only the name of the city needs to be written. If it is a city in the United States that is not very well known, include the state. Put a colon after the place of publication and then write the name of the publisher. Then, put a comma and the year of publication of the dictionary.

"Citation." Random House Dictionary. New York: Random House, Inc., 2012

Cite a Dictionary Step 9
Cite a Dictionary Step 9

Step 4. Specify the source published online

The source published online is the online dictionary from which you drew the definition. You need to provide only the name, not the URL.

"Citation." Random House Dictionary. New York: Random House, Inc., 2012. Dictionary.com

Cite a Dictionary Step 10
Cite a Dictionary Step 10

Step 5. Indicates that the definition is taken from the internet

the MLA format requires that you indicate the type of medium from which the information comes.

"Citation." Random House Dictionary. New York: Random House, Inc., 2012. Dictionary.com. Web

Cite a Dictionary Step 11
Cite a Dictionary Step 11

Step 6. Conclude with the date you viewed the definition

Write the day, month and year. You don't need to introduce the date in any way, but you should end with a period.

"Citation." Random House Dictionary. New York: Random House, Inc., 2012. Dictionary.com. Web. December 5, 2012

Method 3 of 6: Printed Dictionary in APA

Cite a Dictionary Step 12
Cite a Dictionary Step 12

Step 1. Indicate the dictionary entry used

You don't have to put it in quotes, but you have to end with a period.


Cite a Dictionary Step 13
Cite a Dictionary Step 13

Step 2. Indicate the publication date

The publication date of the dictionary must be indicated in brackets and followed by a period.

Citation. (2003)

Cite a Dictionary Step 14
Cite a Dictionary Step 14

Step 3. If available, specify the name of the editor

Often this information is not given; if so, leave this space blank.

Cite a Dictionary Step 15
Cite a Dictionary Step 15

Step 4. Type the name of the dictionary you used

Italicize the dictionary name, but don't put any punctuation after it.

Citation. (2003). Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary

Cite a Dictionary Step 16
Cite a Dictionary Step 16

Step 5. Write the page number, publisher and volume in parentheses

The page number should be introduced with "p." The edition should be specified by adding "ed." at the end and the volume should be introduced with "Vol." Each piece of information should be separated by a comma.

Citation. (2003). Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (p. 57, 11th ed., Vol. 1)

Cite a Dictionary Step 17
Cite a Dictionary Step 17

Step 6. Finish with the place of publication and the name of the publisher

If the name of the city is not well known or obvious, clarify where it is by adding the name of the state. The place of publication and the publisher should be separated by a comma. End with a period.

Citation. (2003). Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (p. 57, 11th ed., Vol. 1). Springfield, Massachusetts: Encyclopedia Britannica

Method 4 of 6: Online Dictionary in APA

Cite a Dictionary Step 18
Cite a Dictionary Step 18

Step 1. Specify all the information you have about the original publication

This includes the defined word, the year of publication, the original dictionary from which the word came, the place of publication and the name of the publisher.

Citation. (2012). Random House Dictionary. New York: Random House, Inc

Cite a Dictionary Step 19
Cite a Dictionary Step 19

Step 2. Indicate the online source from which you got the definition

You only have to write the name of the website and it should be in italics.

Citation. (2012). Random House Dictionary. New York: Random House, Inc. Dictionary.com

Cite a Dictionary Step 20
Cite a Dictionary Step 20

Step 3. Write the date you looked at the definition

Include the day, month, and year. Introduce it by writing “Consulted on,” and put a comma after the year.

Citation. (2012). Random House Dictionary. New York: Random House, Inc. Dictionary.com. Accessed December 5, 2012,

Cite a Dictionary Step 21
Cite a Dictionary Step 21

Step 4. Conclude with the URL of the definition

Enter the URL with the word "from." Don't put the period at the end.

Citation. (2012). Random House Dictionary. New York: Random House, Inc. Dictionary.com. Accessed December 5, 2012, from

Method 5 of 6: Printed Dictionary in the Chicago Style

Get Good Grades in Chemistry Step 3
Get Good Grades in Chemistry Step 3

Step 1. Write the name and of the dictionary used

The name should be in italics and followed by a comma.

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary,

Cite a Dictionary Step 22
Cite a Dictionary Step 22

Step 2. Write down the edition of the dictionary used

The edition should be indicated by following the edition number with the abbreviation "ed." End with another comma.

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th ed.,

Cite a Dictionary Step 23
Cite a Dictionary Step 23

Step 3. Indicate which word has been defined

Introduce the word by writing the initials "s.v.," which stand for the Latin expression "sub verbo," which means "under the word." Do not capitalize the word, unless it is a proper name, and put it in quotation marks. End with a period.

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th ed., S.v. "citation."

Method 6 of 6: Chicago Style Online Dictionary

Cite a Dictionary Step 24
Cite a Dictionary Step 24

Step 1. Enter the name of the online dictionary

Write the dictionary name in italics. You only have to write the name of the online dictionary, not the name of the original dictionary. Put a comma after the name.


Cite a Dictionary Step 25
Cite a Dictionary Step 25

Step 2. Enter the word you defined

Write "s.v" before the introduced word. In Latin "s.v." means "sub verbo," or "under the word" in Italian. Do not capitalize the word, but put it in quotation marks. End with a comma.

Dictionary.com, s.v., "quote,"

Cite a Dictionary Step 26
Cite a Dictionary Step 26

Step 3. Indicate when you viewed the information

Introduce the information with the word "consulted on." Include the month, day, and year. Put another comma.

Dictionary.com, s.v., "quote," accessed December 1, 2012,

Cite a Dictionary Step 27
Cite a Dictionary Step 27

Step 4. Conclude with the URL

Enter the URL without any introductory expressions. End with a period.
