Psychopathy is a disorder characterized mainly by a deficit of empathy and social conscience. Antisocial psychopaths are the serial killers usually portrayed in movies, living on the fringes of society. Most people are unaware of the harmful effects of typical "prosocial" psychopathic behaviors. The latter often go unnoticed, because they are able to behave in a way that does not disappoint society's expectations and apparently lead a normal life. Generally they are very charming, but they are devoid of empathy and unable to feel remorse, so they could harm you economically and psychologically if you can't keep your distance.
Method 1 of 2: Identifying a Psychopath Through Ambiguous Communication

Step 1. The speeches of psychopaths are characterized by notable contradictions and inconsistencies
They could conclude a conversation with a statement in clear contradiction with what was said previously. Lack of honesty and the pathological urge to lie is a symptom of psychopathy. The psychopath would be able to criticize a colleague who always arrives late for work and who assumes inconsistent attitudes, and then breaks the rules himself, without any justification.
The contradictions may not emerge within the same conversation, so write down what is said over time. Write down some important information in a journal that you think may be contradicted in the future

Step 2. Verify the veracity of his words
A psychopathic subject very often talks about the people who are part of his life, because he considers them projections of himself, but he always tends to lie, even about his own children.
He is prone to disclosing half-truths or wrong information and does not hesitate to hide important information

Step 3. Don't overlook his propensity to always look for a scapegoat
A psychopath refuses to take responsibility for their actions, so they will always try to blame others for what they have done. Faced with irrefutable proof of his guilt, he may admit he was wrong, but he will show no remorse.
In addition, because psychopaths have a highly developed sense of self-worth, they have a tendency to brag about their achievements and overstate them or even take credit for the work other people do

Step 4. Notice sudden speech changes
A great way to expose a psychopath is to evaluate how they approach a conversation. He could talk about his son's party and then immediately change the subject to describe the death of his friend's cat and the whole vet story. It is often all false.
Also notice if he changes the subject quickly when dealing with topics that might show his antisocial tendency. He will immediately liquidate you by accusing you of making a drama about anything or by claiming that you are mentally ill and need treatment
Method 2 of 2: Identifying Psychopathy Through Emotional Evaluation

Step 1. Evaluate your reactions to emotionally painful episodes
Because psychopaths lack empathy, they may react to talk about traumatic events superficially, in an unnatural or forced manner.
For example, he may put into words his regret, without expressing any emotional involvement, so he would not try to solve the problem at all, although he talks about it incessantly

Step 2. Watch for signs of victimhood
He may try to play with your feelings until you feel guilty. Pay attention to his tone of voice and the way he accuses you to gain your compassion. This is another way to not take responsibility for your actions.
Watch for his manipulative behavior, especially when he has to justify himself because he made a mistake or a mistake (for example, if he "forgot" your birthday)

Step 3. Evaluate how often he asks you questions about your behavior in particularly sensitive situations
This approach could indicate that, as he is devoid of empathy and conscience, he is unable to activate adequate emotional reactions to events and, therefore, needs to gather the necessary information.
For example, he might ask you some absurd questions like, "What would you do if you left the house and saw me hiding in the bushes?"

Step 4. Analyze his desire to immediately establish an intimate relationship
If you are concerned about being a victim of a psychopath, try to figure out if he or she is anxious to speed things up. There are several signs that denote a psychopathic personality:
- Do you use pet names or endearments from the first meeting?
- Does he insist that you should blindly trust him?
- Does he constantly pressure you because he would like to live with you or start a business, despite the fact that you have just met?

Step 5. Notice the excesses of ups and downs in your relationship
A psychopath may shower you with attention, but soon after become resentful and start distancing themselves from you for no apparent reason. When you are in her good graces, you feel over the moon about the chemicals and hormones (dopamine and endorphins) that flood your brain and body.
He controls you to such an extent that he forces you to depend on him, so you always forgive him, even though he hurts you deeply
- Psychopaths may use your knowledge to get close to you or to turn you against your friends.
- They target vulnerable individuals. If you are feeling persecuted, don't think there is something wrong with you, but you probably have something that he demands at all costs and that he feels entitled to have.
- The psychopathic probes the ground to see if you are willing to sacrifice yourself for the sake of others. Start by asking for personal favors that make you feel important, but at the same time annoy you (“Call me to wake me up”, “Could you help me find a job”, etc.).
- A psychopath communicates mainly four messages: 1) I like you as you are; 2) they are just like you; 3) your secrets are safe with me; 4) I am the ideal friend / lover for you. This is how he attempts to forge an intimate bond with his victim.
- Psychopaths are the funniest people to hang out with, because they are always looking for new experiences and can get you involved in their adventures. They would take you to Disney World and tell you they are doing it just for you, while in reality they would go there anyway, regardless of your company. Psychopaths, due to their neurological disorder, are convinced that they are at the center of the universe and think only of themselves.
- Never trust anyone who demands your unconditional trust. Trust must be earned.
- An often underestimated sign of psychopathy is the inexplicably calm attitude.
- Do not openly blame a psychopath for discovering the disorder he or she suffers from. It would be like putting a furious animal with its back to the wall.
- Be careful not to confide in her seemingly harmless family members, as psychopathy has been shown to often depend on genetic factors.