4 Ways to Identify a Cockroach

4 Ways to Identify a Cockroach
4 Ways to Identify a Cockroach

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Even when humanity has disappeared from the earth, cockroaches will still be present and will continue to roam the world. However, that doesn't mean they necessarily have to occupy your home for a long time. You can manage and deal with a cockroach infestation, but first you need to be able to identify the species. Many people are unaware that there are actually four types of cockroaches that live indoors and are classified as parasites. It will be much easier to deal with the problem if you recognize the type of cockroach you need to treat.


Method 1 of 4: Recognizing Supella Longipalpa

Identify a Cockroach Step 1
Identify a Cockroach Step 1

Step 1. Establish the size of the insect

The adult supella longipalpa can reach 10 mm in length and is one of the smaller varieties of cockroaches. To get an idea of its size, currency that it is a little smaller than a 1 euro cent coin (excluding the antennas of course).

Identify a Cockroach Step 2
Identify a Cockroach Step 2

Step 2. Look for a yellowish brown band

This is the typical feature that allows to identify the supella longipalpa. Look for two bands, one should be very thick in the lower part of the abdomen, while the other is thinner and crosses the mid-abdomen area.

Identify a Cockroach Step 3
Identify a Cockroach Step 3

Step 3. Take into account the climate of the region you live in

This species of cockroach usually lives only in warm environments with a dry climate. If you have a cockroach infestation, but live in a humid climate area with medium or low temperatures, it is probably another species of cockroach.

Identify a Cockroach Step 4
Identify a Cockroach Step 4

Step 4. Check if there is any source of water nearby

The supella longipalpa hates water - for this reason you don't often see it near any type of water source. If you've found a cockroach near the sink or toilet, it's more than likely not a cockroach.

Identify a Cockroach Step 5
Identify a Cockroach Step 5

Step 5. Pay attention if the cockroach can fly

Unlike the Germanic cockroach, the supella longipalpa is able to fly when disturbed. If you notice a small cockroach flying through the air, it is likely that it is this species.

Method 2 of 4: Recognizing the Blattella Germanica

Identify a Cockroach Step 6
Identify a Cockroach Step 6

Step 1. Observe the size of the cockroach

This species is slightly larger than the cockroach described in the first section. It can grow up to 13mm in length, which is roughly the same size as a 10 euro cent coin (again, not including antennas).

Identify a Cockroach Step 7
Identify a Cockroach Step 7

Step 2. Check for two dark stripes

The Germanic cockroach is more easily recognized by the two parallel lines that run from the back of the head to the wings. The stripes or lines are dark brown in color and may appear almost black.

Identify a Cockroach Step 8
Identify a Cockroach Step 8

Step 3. Pay attention if he lives near water sources

Unlike the previous one, this cockroach loves humid and warm areas. It is usually easier to find it in the kitchen or bathroom, near the dishwasher or in the sink. Often it is also present near the garbage, where it is able to find most of the food it eats.

Identify a Cockroach Step 9
Identify a Cockroach Step 9

Step 4. Keep in mind the number of cockroaches

The Germanic cockroach is known to be the cockroach that lives in very numerous colonies. If you think you have an infestation, there is a good chance it is this species.

Method 3 of 4: Recognizing the American Periplaneta

Identify a Cockroach Step 10
Identify a Cockroach Step 10

Step 1. Observe the size of the cockroach

This species is believed to be the largest and can grow up to 5cm in length. If you put two 2-euro coins side by side, consider that they could be equivalent to the entire length of his body.

Identify a Cockroach Step 11
Identify a Cockroach Step 11

Step 2. Check the armor color

The American periplaneta is distinguished from other cockroaches by the unique red-brown color that looks almost amber. Most other cockroaches have a brown, earth-like color. Check if the beetle you are observing has a reddish glow. Also look for two large dark brown spots in the area of the armor near the "shoulders" - it is the only area of the insect that is not reddish in color.

Identify a Cockroach Step 12
Identify a Cockroach Step 12

Step 3. Pay attention to whether the armor has a shiny appearance

In addition to the unique and distinguishable color, the American periplaneta is also the brightest beetle. The exterior of the body, including the wings, is shiny and many might call it bright, but not attractive.

Identify a Cockroach Step 13
Identify a Cockroach Step 13

Step 4. Check what kind of food you eat

This species is known to feed only on wet foods - such as human and pet food - which makes it a personal problem as well as a problem for the home. If you see a large cockroach eating your food or that of your dog, it is very likely that it is an American periplanet.

Method 4 of 4: Recognizing the Orientalis Rooster

Identify a Cockroach Step 14
Identify a Cockroach Step 14

Step 1. Check the size of the insect

The blatta orientalis, also known as the common black cockroach, generally reaches about 2.5 cm in length, roughly equivalent to the size of a 1 euro coin. Its tubular body has a rather uniform appearance which does not present major differences between the head and tail areas. The female of this species is larger than the male.

Identify a Cockroach Step 15
Identify a Cockroach Step 15

Step 2. Observe the color

This beetle is known for its deep dark brown color which, with certain lighting effects, can also appear black. In addition to its typical color, however, it does not have other distinctive signs that can identify it precisely.

Identify a Cockroach Step 16
Identify a Cockroach Step 16

Step 3. Pay attention to the wings

The female of the blatta orientalis is actually wingless, while the male has short and stubby wings that cover three quarters of the body. However, despite the presence of wings, this beetle is unable to fly.

Identify a Cockroach Step 17
Identify a Cockroach Step 17

Step 4. Look at the area where you saw the cockroach

This species can survive even a long and cold winter outdoors by sheltering under moss or in other protected areas. Inside the houses, on the other hand, it creates its own refuge in damp and dark areas. In particular, you can find this insect in cool, dark pipes and cellars.

Identify a Cockroach Step 18
Identify a Cockroach Step 18

Step 5. Infested areas often give off an unpleasant musty smell due to the chemicals these insects produce to communicate with each other


  • If you have a cockroach infestation, you need to find a method to get rid of it that is very meticulous and thorough. If you leave even one area untreated, the cockroaches will return to repopulate and infest your home again.
  • Blatta orientalis tends to enter homes through drains and pipes and settle in dark, cool areas, such as the cellar.
  • If you find that you have a cockroach problem, you should definitely put your food in airtight containers to avoid possible contamination. In addition, you should also keep trash in sealed containers.
  • The supella longipalpa often hides in secluded and warm areas, such as in the upper shelves of a wardrobe.
  • The Germanic cockroach tends to live in areas where food is present and prepared, such as the kitchen.
