Fungal infections affecting toenails are an annoying pathology that sooner or later everyone has to face. However, before you glue fake nails over infected ones and ignore it, consider that this trick may actually make the condition worse. Fortunately, there are ingenious and healthy methods to hide mushrooms and return to relax by the pool on hot summer afternoons.
Method 1 of 3: Apply Antifungal Nail Polish

Step 1. Trim your nails
It is important to keep your nails short and clean. This will prevent the infection from spreading. Use a specific clippers in case your nails have thickened excessively.
Disinfect the nail clipper with isopropyl alcohol between uses to prevent fungus from spreading

Step 2. Wash your nails using soap and water
In particular, your goal should be to get rid of all dirt residue from your nails and cuticles.

Step 3. Apply nail polish base
Spread the base over the entire surface of the nail using a brush. This will protect your nails from possible stains and will help fix the nail polish better.
- Spread the nail polish in the center of the nail by making a single uniform pass with the brush. Do not try to cover the entire nail surface in one stroke.
- Then, starting from the same position as the first coat, spread the polish on the left side of the nail by slightly tilting the brush.
- Repeating the same procedure, place the brush on the same starting point and pass it on the right side of the nail.
- Let it air dry for as long as necessary.

Step 4. Apply antifungal nail polish
Starting from the base of the nail, spread the antifungal nail polish downwards by making a homogeneous pass on the central part.
- Using the same technique explained above, place the brush on the same starting point at the base of the nail and swipe the polish on the left side. Keep it slightly tilted.
- Repeat the procedure on the right side of the nail. Make sure that the strokes are smooth and that the polish does not build up on the nail.

Step 5. Make a second coat of polish
Using the same downward motion, spread the polish evenly over the nail until you get a homogeneous color.
Air dry your nails for 3-5 minutes

Step 6. Apply a top coat
This product fixes the polish on the nails and polishes them. Repeat the same application technique used for the nail polish. Let it dry and try not to make it smudge while drying.
Method 2 of 3: Use Socks and Shoes Made of Breathable Materials

Step 1. Put on breathable fabric socks
Fungal infections develop in humid environments. Wearing socks and shoes throughout the day can cause fungus to proliferate and prevent you from curing the infection. Use breathable fabric socks to easily remedy the problem. This type of fabric keeps fingers dry and keeps fungus in check.

Step 2. Spray antifungal spray into the shoes
Fungi also proliferate in the shoes you use for sports, as they become soaked in sweat. If you train every day, try to alternate between two pairs of shoes to dry them well and regularly apply an antifungal spray inside them. This will prevent the infection from spreading and will keep your feet dry for as long as you wear them.

Step 3. Use open shoes as much as possible
Although your first instinct is to hide the infection, letting your toes breathe is actually the best thing you can do for healing. The fungal infection will heal sooner if you keep your feet outdoors.

Step 4. Avoid walking barefoot in public places
Fungal infections can be spread in public places such as swimming pools or changing rooms. Wear flip flops when showering to make sure you don't get athlete's foot or other yeast infections.
Method 3 of 3: Treating Nail Fungus

Step 1. Contact a doctor for treatment recommendations
Nail fungus can have symptoms similar to other conditions, such as psoriasis. By going to a dermatologist you can do tests to determine the cause of the disorder and the best way to treat it. There are several treatments for fungal infections. The specialist will determine the procedure that best suits your needs.

Step 2. Take an oral antifungal medication to treat the condition more effectively
Orally administered antifungal medications are often best suited, as they appear to work more effectively than creams. These drugs promote the growth of healthy, fungal-free nails, which will replace the affected nails. The treatment could last about two or three months, sometimes even four.
Antifungals can have side effects such as skin rashes or liver damage. They are not recommended for those suffering from liver problems or heart failure

Step 3. Use medicated nail polish if you are looking for a more gradual solution
Apply the product to your nails every day for a week. At the end of the treatment, clean them with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol. This drug may take up to a year of treatment for it to be fully effective.

Step 4. Apply topical medicated cream if you have thin nails
Soak them in hot water and then apply the cream to the affected areas. This type of treatment is most effective for treating thin nails.
Apply over-the-counter urea lotion to the surface of your nails to thin them. This will allow the product to better penetrate the nail and will help fight the infection effectively

Step 5. Use some simple home remedies
Having antifungal properties, tea tree oil and coconut oil are effective and readily available home remedies for fighting fungal infection.