Using a spray deodorant is a quick and easy way to stay fresh and clean. This type of product has recently gained popularity as it dries quickly, leaves no sticky residue on the skin of the armpits and does not stain clothing. In addition, it is a breathable product, so it does not hinder sweating, and often contains essential oils that help fight bad odors. The most important part of using spray deodorants is to apply them correctly.
Part 1 of 2: Purchase a Suitable Deodorant Spray

Step 1. If your skin has problems such as eczema or psoriasis, consult a doctor
Deodorants can aggravate some skin problems such as psoriasis; therefore, if you suffer from any skin disease, consult a doctor before changing deodorant. Tell him you're interested in using a spray deodorant, he should be able to recommend a safe brand.

Step 2. Go to your local store to buy one
All department stores, discount stores, grocery stores and pharmacies have a dermo-cosmetic sector with various types of spray deodorants. Get ready to spend 10-15 minutes of your time browsing the available products and finding the one that's right for you.

Step 3. If you have sensitive skin, choose a mild spray
The armpits are an area of the body that is easily irritated, and if you have a problem such as eczema or psoriasis, it is important to use a deodorant that does not irritate the skin. Aluminum, alcohol, fragrances and parabens are the main ingredients in deodorants, including sprays, which can cause skin irritation.
- Check the back of the spray to make sure the deodorant does not contain these ingredients.
- Do not purchase spray deodorants with these ingredients.

Step 4. Try the fragrances
If you don't have sensitive skin, you can also purchase a scented deodorant spray. But remember to try the fragrances to make sure you buy one you like.
- You can try the various fragrances by smelling the top of the bottle. Remove the spray cap before sniffing.
- Too strong fragrances can be unpleasant to some people.
- Lighter fragrances, on the other hand, are not overwhelming, but if you have a very active lifestyle during the day, you may need to apply the deodorant several times.
Part 2 of 2: Apply the Deodorant to Clean Skin

Step 1. Make sure you have clean skin before using it
The best time to apply a spray deodorant is after a shower or after washing your armpits. Furthermore, the skin should be dry before application.

Step 2. Take off your shirt
This is the easiest way to avoid spraying deodorant on your clothes. If you find yourself in a situation where you cannot completely remove what you are wearing, simply pull the sleeves aside so that your armpits are exposed.

Step 3. Remove the spray cap
Most spray deodorants come with a cap: put it in a safe place where you don't risk losing it.

Step 4. Grab the bottle
Take it with the hand opposite the armpit where you are going to spray: if you want to apply the deodorant on the left armpit, for example, hold the spray with your right hand.

Step 5. Shake the bottle for about 10 seconds
You will need to do this preliminary step every time you spray it.

Step 6. Hold the bottle a few inches away from the armpit
In this step the arm must be raised, so that the armpit is exposed. The bottle has a hole that allows the product to flow out: make sure it is facing the right direction. That way, when you spray, the spray won't accidentally hit you on the face or body.

Step 7. Cover your armpit with a layer of deodorant
Hold for 4-5 seconds. The sprayed product should cover the entire armpit.
- Be careful not to splash the product in your eyes
- The deodorant will dry quickly
- Repeat the same operation on the other armpit

Step 8. Put the cap back on
Once you've applied the deodorant to both armpits, put the cap back on and put the bottle away.