Mahi mahi or dolphin fish is a meaty, flavorful fish found in fillets or steaks. In some parts of the world it is also called 'dolphin' although it does not belong to the class of mammals. To clarify, it is now known by its Hawaiian name, 'mahi mahi', which means strong. It can also be found under the name of Dorado, which is then its scientific denomination. This fabulous fish is low in carbohydrates and fat, making it suitable for almost any type of diet. It is great on its own, with the addition of herbs and spices or with any type of sauce, marinade or accompaniment. Because the flavor is so good and the fillets or steaks cook easily, learning how to grill mahi mahi to perfection will be a breeze.

Step 1. Buy steaks or fillets at the local supermarket or fish market
When choosing your mahi mahi, look for fillets or steaks that don't have separate layers of meat, a dull color, or a strong smell. These characteristics usually indicate that the fish is not fresh

Step 2. Apply some cooking oil or spray before grilling the mahi-mahi so it doesn't stick

Step 3. Heat the grill over medium-high heat
If you decide to grill it over high heat, be careful and turn it over to prevent it from burning

Step 4. Grill the mahi mahi about 5-10 minutes per side, turning the steaks or fillets when the color starts to turn white

Step 5. Marinade it when turning if using a dressing or marinade
This way, the fish will retain moisture and will not dry out as it cooks

Step 6. Test your dolphin fish to see if it's ready by tapping it with a fork

Step 7. Continue cooking if it does not flake easily, turning it over until small pieces begin to come apart

Step 8. Season when almost ready

Step 9. Serve your grilled mahi mahi with a sauce, topping or just like that and enjoy it

Step 10. Any leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator and put into salads the next day
- If you don't want to put the steaks or fillets directly on the grill, you can cover it with aluminum foil first. Remember to always add oil or use non-stick spray before grilling the fish.
- A little olive oil, salt and pepper are the best marinade. It's not bad quality fish, so don't cook it like it is.
- Classic salad dressing or a vinaigrette are two succulent alternatives for marinating mahi mahi.
- When learning how to grill mahi-mahi, use the seasoning you like best. Leave the steaks to marinate for a few hours before cooking them. Rub the fish well with the marinade and brush it while grilling to add flavor.
- Try it with a little salt and that's it, to enhance the natural taste of the fish.
- For a completely different note, try brushing your mahi mahi with barbecue sauce as you cook it. Brush both sides. When ready, add more sauce for a stronger flavor.
- Do not overcook the mahi mahi. Otherwise the meat will become tough.
- And of course, never serve it badly cooked. If you're not sure it's ready, grill it a little more to be on the safe side.
- Do not leave leftover portions of mahi mahi in the fridge for long.